View Full Version : Interior Elevations wrong on Mirror Project

2012-08-08, 07:44 PM
We had previously worked on a hotel building. The owner now wants to do a second building almost exactly the same but mirrored. We opened the old file, did a saveas, then used the mirror project command. It worked great except for the interior elevations. The reference tag will reference in the north elevation but it is actually viewing the south elevation. Does anyone know how to correct this without re-drawing them as they are already full of notes and dimensions that would be lost if I delete the view?

cliff collins
2012-08-08, 08:16 PM
I'm not sure about an automatic/global method. But, you could try placing a new elevation, without deleting the old one--then copy/paste the annotations into the new view.

A bit tedious, but you are still miles ahead in the bigger picture. Here's what Autodesk says: http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Revit/enu/2012/Help/Revit_User's_Guide/2214-Collabor2214/2408-Shared_P2408/2417-Relocati2417/2420-Mirrorin2420

2012-08-09, 10:04 AM
We had previously worked on a hotel building. The owner now wants to do a second building almost exactly the same but mirrored. We opened the old file, did a saveas, then used the mirror project command. It worked great except for the interior elevations. The reference tag will reference in the north elevation but it is actually viewing the south elevation. Does anyone know how to correct this without re-drawing them as they are already full of notes and dimensions that would be lost if I delete the view?

It may sound crazy but try selecting the elevation marker so the elevation plane shows up. select a handle and drag it back past its other end, then drag the ends to the walls of the elevation (still flipped of course).... This used to work with reference planes in earlier versions of revit ;-)

2012-08-10, 04:48 PM
That worked and flipped the elevation to reference the correct wall but it is not working for what I need. The details lines, notes and dimensions are now noted on the wrong elevation. Guess I will have to do some copy/patse. Thanks for the help

2012-10-08, 04:51 PM
A little old - but was it just the view name that needed to be changed?