View Full Version : Revit 7.0 won't install after using the Streaming Trial

2005-02-02, 05:03 AM
I have recently purchased the Revit Series 7 software and am unable to get it to install.

The problem lies in the fact that I was using the Streaming trial version of the software. The installer believes that this streaming version is still installed on my system and prompts me to uninstall it.

It won’t let me “unmark” the previous installation, yet errors out with “Execution of MSI package failed, error: The operation completed successfully. (0)” if I try to continue.

I uninstalled the Streaming version as instructed in its online FAQ (Removed AppExpress via Add/Remove Programs) I also searched the Knowledgebase and could find no mention of this issue previously. I’ve even restored my computer using System restore to a point before my removal of AppExpress was able to use the Streaming trial again successfully, then Re-uninstalled the trial. Everything appeared to remove properly as far as I could tell. (ie No errors etc.)

I’m desperate to get this working properly as I have an approaching deadline.

Thanks for your help!


2005-02-02, 05:58 AM
Contact Revit Support 1-866-GO-REVIT (467-3848 ) revitsupport@autodesk.com unless somone else here can help you before your deadline.