View Full Version : Noobie questions and Revit in Spain

2005-02-02, 08:55 AM
Hi everybody

This is my first post although it’s been more than 45 days I’m reading these forums. As so many others, I reached that moment when one just can’t continue with AutoCAD. The projects I’m working on have a tendency to change quite a lot over the time, so that game of “hide and seek” in order to update everything has become an increasing burden.

Now there is a difficult election in front of me: ArchiCAD or Revit… I’ve been reading a lot of threads and pages about this (some very aggressive I might say … http://download.graphisoft.com/ftp/revit/ ), but haven’t really found one that’s decisive. You know, most of the times there are gurus of one of the programs, but haven’t worked in the other.

I’ll try to stick to Revit but I’m a bit worried because:
- in Spain I don’t know of anyone working with Revit (there are a few users of ArchiCAD though).
- officially there’s no Revit product on local Autodesk’s webpage
- one of the local sellers told me that Revit’s gonna die ??? Of course, with monthly releases of new builds it’s difficult to believe… Did he mean the local market isn’t going to see Revit?

Anyway, for a start I have two questions:

1. Is there a way you can edit the structure of a column just like you edit a wall adding layers and regions? Something equivalent to the column veneer in ArchiCAD.
2. I did a test render… only 5 walls (generic type) and it takes ages. Why is that?

Thank you all (you’ll probably notice that the questions I’ll ask will have some reference to ArchiCAD – at least in the beginning).

Computer: AMD 2600/ 512 RAM
Actual combo: AutoCAD + VIZ
Lisp programming
Revit training: Did the two winged building tutorial

2005-02-02, 09:25 AM
It's true there is no mention of Revit on any of the Autodesk pages relating to Spanish distributors. Nor is Revit listed on the direct purchase store. Revit is I believe marketed in Europe through Autodesk's " Europe and Middle East Division", you could try contacting Autodesk in the UK but even on their web pages reference is only made to northern Europe. One for Autodesk marketing and sales to respond to quickly I think.

2005-02-02, 02:20 PM
1. Don't know about Archcad column feature. Revit has two types of columns, structural and architectural. If you place a structural column and then use the archtitectural column, the arch. col. will take on any of the adjoining wall finishes and wrap the entire struc. col.

2. I drew 5 generic 8" walls spaced appart, not linked, and they rendered in 3 secs. @ 72dpi and 6 secs @ 150 dpi, quality set at medium in the settings dialog box. Not sure what you mean by long time. Daytime renderings are much faster than nighttime by a wide margin.

2005-02-02, 11:22 PM
The rendering time might be due to the type of view you're trying to render. If you're trying it on a default 3D view (isometric), take a look at the size of the view or the pixels when you go to render it. Even at 72dpi, you may wind up with a rendering in the thousands of pixels. Try creating a camera view and rendering.

2005-02-03, 01:19 AM
I split out the reactions to the Archicad link, let's focus on the questions that were asked in this thread. Any interested in the other thread, here's a link ArchiCAD Link (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=14256)

(edit by SD: Everyone together, "Thank you Mr. Steve!) :p

2005-02-03, 10:37 AM
Thank you all for your answers.
There were 3 topics in my first post:
- Revit availability in Spain and client share of the market
- Columns
- Renders.

Just called the Autodesk central in Spain and told me that Revit it's not around here and that I was only the second person to ask about in a whole year... They gave me the phone numbers of some local dealers in Barcelona.
Bad experience: they didn't know anything about Revit (I even had to spell it).

As for columns I'm still looking on them - sjsl gave me a good hint on structural columns, although ran into other problem when using structural elements: the beam system doesn't reach for the bearing beam (can't join them). I guess I'll start a thread about this.

As for renders they still look very slow to me (thank you James Van) although I set an image size of 500x500 pixels. Viz does those in a blink of an eye (nevertheless I'm too new to the Revit rendering so I'll try more).

I'm worried about Revit in Spain - I was told I would be one of the first clients around(if not the first !!!) and that there is no intention at the moment in bringing Revit here. Even more, I was told that the main trust is ADT and that it encounters problems (as 80% of the companies here still use AutoCAD). Guess they don't want competition from a same side product.

2005-02-03, 11:48 AM
Thank you all for your answers.
There were 3 topics in my first post:
- Revit availability in Spain and client share of the market
- Columns
- Renders.

Just called the Autodesk central in Spain and told me that Revit it's not around here and that I was only the second person to ask about in a whole year... They gave me the phone numbers of some local dealers in Barcelona.
Bad experience: they didn't know anything about Revit (I even had to spell it).
As I mentioned in my previous post try contacting EMEA and find out why they are not pushing Revit in Spain perhaps they are waiting for a Spanish language version?? I notice that neighboring Portugal has Revit all over its website www.autodesk.pt (http://www.autodesk.pt/)

EMEA Headquarters
(Europe, Middle East and Africa)
Autodesk S.A.
20 Route de Pre-Bois
Case Postale 1894
Geneva 15, CH-1215
Phone: +41-22-929-75-00
Fax: +41-22-929-75-01

2005-02-03, 12:18 PM
Rhys, I couldn't contact EMEA yet, but a local seller told me that Revit has a hard time here for a few reasons:

- Autodesk is still pushing ADT because most of the companies here use AutoCAD; they are small companies (Add to this the usual combo - no extensive training required, nice offers on ADT)
- There's no publicity on Revit (I was surprised on the Portugal webpage - usually Portugal and Spain go together on product expansions, generally speaking)
- Spanish Autodesk confirmed that's no Revit development - no market request

By the way, any Revit Spanish user, please drop me a line or two... just can't believe that no one uses Revit here.

2005-02-03, 02:46 PM
...Autodesk is still pushing ADT...Don't lose hope, this has been slowly changing here in the USA as well. It will take time for each market to adapt and discover Revit anew. We definitely have a member from Portugal, though his member name escapes me right now...Fernando, I think?

I don't know if this will please you but you could become the foremost user of Revit in your country. Think of the possibilities! Guest appearances on TV talk shows, who knows? :) (hope my humor translates well)

Nic M.
2005-02-03, 03:23 PM
Aprox. two years ago we shifted from acad Lt to Revit. Only one reseller that actually had experience (Primotiv in the Netherlands). The local resellers I called had to look at there product sheets to see if it was available for me to by (revve - wa you say???) They tried to slip ADT in between...
Now they shifted shoulder, the resellers call me and ask if I can come and talk about our fab. experience (and that, it is). I'm part of a pilot-group that is preparing local content for the BE market.
They (the resellers) start pushing it now. One reseller had 3 info sessions already ( aprox. 25-30 per session thats big for a very small market) and he said they (clients) loved it and were very enthusiastic.

If you jump on board now you'd have a strong competitive advantage i think.
I'm pretty sure Adesk is gonna push Revit in Spain very soon.
Good luck ,
from Belgium