View Full Version : 2013 Linked model visibility- Hiding door types

2012-08-22, 03:25 PM
So I am on the architectural side of things and I am helping the structural department with their first project in Revit. They currently have our arch model linked into their structural model. They do not want to see our interior doors in their plans. I tried to hide the doors through linked visibility but this hides ALL doors and we have exterior overhead doors which they do need to see in their plans. I can hide doors by element if I tab over EVERY individual door, however I cannot select all instances in the linked model and then hide the interior doors. Guidance much appreciated.

2012-08-22, 03:32 PM
You need to set up a filter. Press V V then select 'filters' and set one up for doors. For example you could make it hide all of a certain family, or by function, name, etc etc. Its relatively intuitive once you're in there.

2012-08-22, 03:41 PM
How does worksets play into this? Is it better to have structural use filters for their visibility than to have the doors on their own workset?

It would be easiest in my mind to filter by function: interior. However this is a type parameter for our doors. Should I create a new door family which is set to exterior?

2012-08-22, 03:53 PM
To be honest I don't work with worksets very often, so I don't know exactly, but filters are view specific, just like layer filters in CAD, so they should work just the same.

2012-08-23, 12:03 PM
I would suggest using the door "function" as your filter and making different interior vs exterior doors. That seems to be the most intuitive way to do it. Another option might be to filter by door "mark." Then set up a numbering system that is somehow different for exterior vs interior doors. Last option would be to set up your own custom parameter for door visibility and apply it to instances. Then use a filter to adjust visibility. Maybe call it "structural visibility"....,,

2012-08-23, 01:49 PM
I went ahead and made separate families for interior and exterior doors (with functions set accordingly), then had structural create a filter. Works great!