View Full Version : workset not visible by default

2012-08-31, 05:38 PM
So I discovered today that Adesk once again decided to change something for what ever reason and not tell anyone about it. In previous versions, if you needed to put something in your model that no one else was ever going to need to see it, you could place it on a workset and uncheck the little box for "visible in all views" by default. This used to transfer to links. So when I start to model my rebar, my archies wouldn't need to do anything because it never showed up anywhere. Now, however when you try this little trick, it no longer works. So my archies are going to complain that they have to turn it off or adjust all their view templates again. I'm not sure why they changed it, but it's another bad idea. Almost as bad as the double click to edit a family. I'm wondering how many of the "developers" of revit ever did any acutal work. Two Thumbs down.

2012-09-05, 12:48 PM
I'm wondering if anyone else is having issues with this feature being "fixed".
I guess if I don't want things displayed in my model, why would I want them to show up in others models.
This was a really great workaround to avoid the phone call of "Hey why is all this rebar showing up in my model" or other things like that.

The Monk
2012-09-05, 04:54 PM
The issue that seems to be a bust as well are adjustng link element display via VG Filter settings. In the past I could create a filter to show the foundation objects from structural as dash lines using the "projection" settings adjustment. Now if I want to make that change and see the line work I need to change my display setting to wireframe. In fact the whole Filter tool does not seem to work very well now. And I use it a lot - any-work-around ideas out there. BTW our structural engineer is having the same issue on his end - we both are working in 2013. We had to move to it for a broken issue in 2012 - another thread all together!