View Full Version : Aligning Structural Columns

J. Grouchy
2005-02-02, 07:07 PM
I have a weird bug coming up...wondered if it actually is a bug.
I placed structural tube columns in my drawing and had them on each grid intersection. Since then I've had to make some adjustments to walls and this somehow caused structural columns to shift. Now I'm going back and aligning each column to the grid, but for some reason the first time I align it...it moves the column centerline a fraction of an inch off the gridline. I actually have to align it twice to get it placed properly. Am I missing something? Why would it not align properly the first time?

Tom Weir
2005-02-02, 11:41 PM
I tried a test case and was not able to reproduce your problem. I moved the columns off at various distances from the grid line and they aligned correctly when I moved them back.
Perhaps you have a wall (or other object) with the its centerline a bit off the grid line that you are aligning to instead of the grid....

If you draw a test case with only columns and grids, does the problem still occur?

Have a great day.....

Tom Weir
Los Angeles

J. Grouchy
2005-02-03, 01:56 PM
Well heck...now I can't reproduce it. I was making sure to align it to gridlines...especially since most of the columns were misaligned and I had to go through about 75% of them.
Seems like conditions have to be just right to get this to happen...and I'm not sure what those conditions were. All I can say is that I have a stacked wall system that I had to change the thickness of. I had the gridlines locked to pinned reference planes, so the gridlines never moved.

2005-02-03, 03:07 PM
Were you using an underlay? If so, then you might have been snapping to something in the underlay view without realizing it.

J. Grouchy
2005-02-03, 03:26 PM
No...and I made sure I was aligning to the grid, tabbing through until it was highlighted. Now I wish I'd captured some images because even though I can't reproduce the problem, I'd like to know if it was something I did wrong or something Revit did wrong.