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2012-09-04, 08:21 PM
Levels showing in Views in Project Browser

To be able to have walls tied to a reference level to allow for height changes to a reference level.
i tend to create of a single storey building a multiple of levels eg. underside of beam to be able to lock the wall to it and but i end up with all these reference levels showing up under views in project browser
when all i want to see is the main floor.
how do i get project browser to depopulate the unwanted levels and do i loose the elements referenced to the levels?


i've an existing building that has been added on to.
i have labeled the rooms in their respective existing and new construction phases.
i would like to set up a room schedule to have a phasing parameter that displays as a field in the schedule indicating which room is existing and which is new construction

is there a way to achieve this?

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-09-04, 08:36 PM
You can simply delete the floor plan views you don't require. Elements referencing these levels will still be associated with the levels. Revit allows a level datum without associated floor plan views but you can't have a floor plan view without an associated level datum. I would suggest that you explore alternatives to adding levels if all you need are datum lines. You can use reference planes instead of levels. I'd also suggesting naming those RP's to ensure you are aligning to the correct datum.

As to your phasing question, are you using phasing (Revit phases) or just adding another parameter or suffix/prefix to the room names? What requirements do you have with regards to the schedule? Are you showing areas (existing and new), change in area; just room finishes?

2012-09-05, 12:46 PM
Another trick available in 2013 is to make the level a "Structural" level and filter them so they don't display.

2012-09-06, 08:52 PM
i'm using Revit phases and would simply like to have a room schedule (indicating area, finishes etc) but with a field that allows me to indicate if the particular room is "existing" or "new construction"
presently, i seem to be only able to schedule "existing" and "new construction" rooms on separate schedules.

hope i 'm clearer

with regards to the reference planes do i loose the elements when i delete the reference planes? or is the only option then to is to get it RPs not to display in view?