View Full Version : Major Memory Issue on Startup

2012-09-05, 02:20 PM
Hi all,

I've replicated this problem on 3 seperate newly formated Win7 x64 boxes with all C3D svc. packs and many different certified and uncertified video drivers installed. Each box included different hardware setups but all were well beyond min. spec. requirements. On initial startup of C3D 2011 it consumes 1.5GB of memory. As the app is loading I open the task manager and watch the process eat up 1.5GB of ram in chunks of 4MB every second, give or take. It takes about 5 min's to consume the ram and during this time the C3D Gui is partially loaded and unavailable for editting. After reaching 1.5GB, C3D then releases a little more than a Gig of the memory, the app then becomes available. This happens every time C3D is started, not just the initial load of the day. Hardware accel. has been turned on/off. Default profile used. .Net repaired. C3D reset (registry) and repaired. Virus scanner (symantic) and any other non-essential software/processes disabled one by one.

I've researched this to no avail. Been using Acad for almost 2 decades now and have never experienced anything like this. I've had people tell me that it's just the way Win7 caches the app but this doesn't happen w/ any other apps I use(vanilla Acad, Revit, etc.). I've found this app to be flaky at best w/ crashes left and right. Is it just 2011? Has anyone experienced this w/ 2011? With all the crashes and restarts it probably eats up more than an hour every day. TIA for any suggestions and comments.

My current box is fairly beefy:

Hp Z400
Xeon W3565 @ 3.2
12GB Ram
Quadro 600 1GB

2012-09-06, 08:25 AM
1] uninstall Civil 64 bit
2] perform a deep CCleaner
3] reboot and login as Win7 administrator
4] reinstall Civil 64 bit in a partition different than the system one
5] unplug the Ethernet cable, and run Civil

Any changes? http://novara.orangespace.pl/augi/smile.gif

2012-09-07, 01:03 PM
1] uninstall Civil 64 bit
2] perform a deep CCleaner
3] reboot and login as Win7 administrator
4] reinstall Civil 64 bit in a partition different than the system one
5] unplug the Ethernet cable, and run Civil

Any changes? http://novara.orangespace.pl/augi/smile.gif

On 3 separate machines with freshly formatted HD's and Win7 installs, updates and drivers were installed. IOW, the bare min. of software that IT would allow but all the essentials. Then C3D was installed. Same experience but on different hardware. I've wanted to do as you suggest and take the network out of the equation but we have network licenses only so..... Is there a reason you suggest installing on a separate partition? Sounds interesting.