View Full Version : Interior elevations showing multiple planes at once?

2012-09-10, 04:47 PM
I haven't been able to find an internet answer to this. I want to show an interior elevation (Revit Architecture 2012) with two different planes. I've never been allowed by this site to attach images (and yes, I've tried many times to contact the site about that issue), so let me describe as best as I can. I have a custom cabinet (1) (which I created as a family) and the front faces West. I want to see the side of this cabinet which faces to the North, so I create an int elevation looking to the South. On the rest of that South wall I have a wall cabinet (2) that sits several inches toward the South from the side of the custom cabinet(1) that I want to see. If I pull my boundary line to see the wall cabinet(2) face, then I cut through the custom cabinet(1) showing all the interior workings which I don't want to see.

How can I have my int elevation show me the face of one cabinet (1) then jog to show me the wall cabinet(2)? I don't want to cut through any elements...I want to see the faces of all of them.


2012-09-10, 05:28 PM
If you are pulling the view boundary, it shouldn't change the cut plane. When picking the elevation tag in plan you should see two types of lines - solid blue and dashed blue. Solid blue is the cut location, dashed blue indicated the view range. You should be able to drag that view range to cover both cabinets while leaving the cut line in front of the first set. If you are not seeing the dashed blue box, go to the view properties of the elevation view and make sure that "Far Clipping" is not set to "No Clip".

2012-09-10, 06:07 PM
It is the dashed line that I'm pushing/pulling and it's causing the first cabinet to be cut. In all fairnes...I created that cabinet as a family and am wondering if it has something to do with how I created it - I'm rusty at making families. BUT then again, it seems to be doing the same thing with all of my interior elevations.