View Full Version : Total Square Footage

2012-09-10, 09:24 PM
I am sure that there is a thread already on here about this but i can't find it.

At work we create a rentable area plans and a schedule based on that plan that tells us the total square footage. What I want to do is take that total square footage and have it show up on my cover sheet for the building data with out having to imput it manually, create a new area plan, or show the entire schedule seperating out the areas. Has anyone been able to do this or have any suggestions.

2012-09-26, 02:34 PM
Your only option (as far as I know and understand your question) is to create a schedule that only shows the total area (does not itemize all instaces) and then place that on whatever sheet you need it on. This way it stays coordinated as the building and areas change throughout the design phases.