View Full Version : Placing power and data outlets efficiently

Andrew Williams
2012-09-12, 12:04 AM
I have just started making a power and data layout for a project and I would like to get input from people how they go about placing outlets in the model.

I am using face hosted families with symbols that can move left and right using a parameter. There are usually groups (not revit groups) of three outlets (2 double power and a double data) and are placed as they would be on site so the symbols are moved to make it legible. Ideally I would like to just copy and paste the good arrangement to new walls as opposed to drawing each group and fiddling with the symbols each time.

Any recommendations on doing this quickly. Ideally on identical rooms I would like identical layouts, I can be a bit pedantic.

2012-09-12, 01:04 PM
might not give you exact copies, but you can set up an arrangement with the offsets you want, then copy them into dead space a few times, pick them one at a time and re-host to your new location. i think the instance offsets will stay entact at least. if you're copying down a wall or cubicles, they should copy as a window with tags etc. just fine along a linear path. i'll often set up one facing each direction with tags and then copy them to those same facing walls.

Andrew Williams
2012-09-13, 12:25 AM
I found I could set up the correct grouping I wanted then copy that on the same wall then rehost to the correct wall (in the wrong location and height). I then align them horizontally with a reference plan using move command and change the elevation in the properties window. I found it to be quite efficient and very precise.

The issue I had initially was my power outlet family had some unhosted detail families showing the outlets appearance which led to "origin does not lie on the host face" issues and prevented me from rehosting as a group.