View Full Version : 2013 Linked model display problem

The Monk
2012-09-14, 03:38 PM
Here are the conditons:

1 - workshared project: both architectural and structural
2 - both models are linked at the respective offices
3 - the structural model elements display in section and elevation views but not plan views. This is happening at both offices

Has anyone else had this issue and if you solved what did you do. What we have done in the past is place the strucrual model on a specific workset so we can turn it off and on for various view conditions. And so we can use the Filter tool in Visibility Graphics to control display behavior. And we do use the custom component controls in the Revit link tab in VG to control what is on / off / or half tone. We have been able to contol these things in the past but with 2013 it is now a problem.

Any thoughts?

2012-09-17, 04:34 PM
Could your Plan views be set to Coarse and you can barely see the structural element?

2012-09-17, 06:02 PM
Either the workset is turned off in your view, or the view is set to coarse and the structural element is just a single line instead of showing 3D. Another possibility is in the VG settings under linked Revit, the view is set to custom with structure turned off...although that would be odd.

2012-09-21, 10:59 PM
View control settings are set to Medium. What I've done as a temporary fix is to open another project and link the structural model. Everything worked in the new project so I created a View Template from the new project and transferred is by way of the Project Transfer tool. I had to do a few other adjustments in my working file but now I see the structural model and the filters seem to be working. I did, however, perform a process now available in 2013; I used the Transparent setting from the Override Graphics in View function. Not the best thing to do but the information is now there.

Thanks for the help,