View Full Version : Some general stuff - URGENT

2005-02-03, 07:42 AM
Hi all,

I cannot replace the generic railing with another system based railing. I can load another railing into the browser but am unable to place it in the drawing.

Is it possible to show a driveway in herringbone pattern in one plan but turn it off in another?

In a two storey extension I need to bring the sheeting down from the wall and over the first floor structure. Can I extend the sheeting from the wall or can I use a wall sweep or is there some other way?

Is it possible to indicate a new addition with a form of shading to the walls or the whole area?

How do I create a pad or fill with a sloping surface. I have been able to create a toposurface with the fall but am unable to put any filling underneath it.



2005-02-03, 08:06 AM
Hi all,

I cannot replace the generic railing with another system based railing. I can load another railing into the browser but am unable to place it in the drawing.
To replace an existing railing with another loaded type, select the existing in plan or 3d and then use the drop down menu in the options bar to swap railing types.

Is it possible to show a driveway in herringbone pattern in one plan but turn it off in another?
Yes. Make a copy of the view and in the copied view, using Visibility Graphics, turn off the Surface Pattern for the floor.

In a two storey extension I need to bring the sheeting down from the wall and over the first floor structure. Can I extend the sheeting from the wall or can I use a wall sweep or is there some other way?
There are a few different ways you could this.

If you edit the wall structure, you can unlock the sheeting layer and specify a bottom extension distance for it that will cover the floor structure

Is it possible to indicate a new addition with a form of shading to the walls or the whole area?


Phasing can be used to shade the new and existing walls. Or you could place a transparent fill region over the plan area.

How do I create a pad or fill with a sloping surface. I have been able to create a toposurface with the fall but am unable to put any filling underneath it.

You cannot have a sloping pad, but you can specify the appearance and depth of the poche fill pattern used below the topo surface.

2005-02-03, 08:14 AM
That was quick!

Really appreciate it!

I will give it a go!



2005-02-03, 08:42 AM
That's Ok, you did say it was urgent. ;)


That was quick!

Really appreciate it!

I will give it a go!



2005-02-03, 12:42 PM

Sorry to ask again:

"If you edit the wall structure, you can unlock the sheeting layer and specify a bottom extension distance for it that will cover the floor structure"

How can I efectively do this?

Really thanks you,


2005-02-03, 01:08 PM
If I didn't get you wrong, you're asking how you can unlock a layer of the wall.
Try this (following images).

1. Select wall you want to modify and go to properties (img 1)
2. Hit Edit (img 2)
3. You'll get the wall layers (img 3)
4. Select the layer you want (it will turn red in the preview window) (img 4)
5. Hit modify and unlock that layer (img 5)

Hope it helps

2005-02-03, 02:46 PM
If I didn't get you wrong, you're asking how you can unlock a layer of the wall.
Try this (following images).

1. Select wall you want to modify and go to properties (img 1)
2. Hit Edit (img 2)
3. You'll get the wall layers (img 3)
4. Select the layer you want (it will turn red in the preview window) (img 4)
5. Hit modify and unlock that layer (img 5)

Hope it helps
Hey there,
Then add #6. Go to a section or elevation or 3d view and place the cursor on the edge of the sheathing you want to move that you just unlocked in step #5. Tab through all items until the sheathing highlights. That is when and where you actually move the edge down to where you want it.
Good luck
(great post arquitrad! nicely written and documented.)

2005-02-03, 02:59 PM
(great post arquitrad! nicely written and documented.)I agree! Very nice effort and you seem to be quite comfortable with Revit already...

2005-02-03, 10:24 PM
Hey there,
Then add #6. Go to a section or elevation or 3d view and place the cursor on the edge of the sheathing you want to move that you just unlocked in step #5. Tab through all items until the sheathing highlights. That is when and where you actually move the edge down to where you want it.
My preference at this point ( # 6 ), is to back out of the dialogue, after unlocking the layer(s), to the wall properties instance parameters dialogue , and enter the top or bottom extension distance there. It gives you accurate dimensional control that way.

2005-02-04, 12:56 AM



2005-02-04, 01:42 PM
My preference at this point ( # 6 ), is to back out of the dialogue, after unlocking the layer(s), to the wall properties instance parameters dialogue , and enter the top or bottom extension distance there. It gives you accurate dimensional control that way.
I also like to do it that way too. I just thought I would use the more "graphic" approach. Sometimes, you have to pull down wall sheathing based on a visual alignment or grade slope that only appears when looking at an overall building elevation.

But, it is good to show the variety of methods here. Thanks Beegee

Michelle Gibson
2005-04-26, 01:39 PM
Thanks very much. I have been struggling to figure out how to do this. The help file neglects to tell you to go to the properties box before you try and highlight the wall layers. I will follow your steps, but before I do this I want to verify that I am not going to change every instance of this wall type. My intent is to extend layers in specific section details to show the construction sequence, which varies as structural conditions change. Am I correct that when you go to #6 step, that is where the layers are extended in that particular view only?

I hope so...

To date, we have been using the edit profile and extending each layer up one by one - very tedious when you have 20 section details of a complex exterior wall....


J. Grouchy
2005-04-26, 02:14 PM
How do I create a pad or fill with a sloping surface. I have been able to create a toposurface with the fall but am unable to put any filling underneath it.

I've wished for sloped pads before (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=6763)...I think they'd be extremely useful - sidewalks, parking garages, any ground floor slab with ramps, etc.

J. Grouchy
2005-06-15, 08:47 PM
I've wished for sloped pads before (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=6763)...I think they'd be extremely useful - sidewalks, parking garages, any ground floor slab with ramps, etc.

I just now noticed that you can slope pads now. Thank you, Revit team!

2005-06-16, 12:25 AM
I just now noticed that you can slope pads now. Thank you, Revit team!
:-DAre you sure?

2005-06-16, 01:17 AM
If yes, how do you specify the slope?

J. Grouchy
2005-06-16, 01:40 PM
If yes, how do you specify the slope?

Just like with a roof, select a side and check the "defines slope" box. Only problem I noticed is that the toposurface does not react to it like it should. Still got some work to do, I suppose. :(

2005-06-16, 02:09 PM
if i select a side i can see the Define Slope in my option bar but .. its greyed out.
Any idea

J. Grouchy
2005-06-16, 02:13 PM
I dunno...works for mine. Probably just as easy to use a floor since the topo doesn't adjust to meet the sloped pad.

2005-06-19, 02:04 AM
Can you post a screen shot of what you are seeing ?