View Full Version : Linked .dwg File in Titleblock Template

Mark James
2005-02-03, 07:58 AM
This may seem long-winded but hang in there...
Have set up a custom A1 Title block for our office, using the A1 title block template.
Thought I'd be clever and link the office address into the new title block template file.
Because the company is Nationwide (Australia) and I wanted to use just one title block but have the flexibility of different addresses for each state office.
We already have identically named .dwg address files set up on identical paths for each server in each state (used as x-refs in Autocad drawings). Each has the office address for that particular state. Still with me?
The end result is that when each office opens a new project, their office address automatically appears in the title block.
Does it work?
Sort of.
A problem exists with the original linking process. The file links in okay to the title block template file but the links manager command is greyed out. This means I cannot check to see if the link path is relative or absolute. I have a sneaking suspicion that all links are set by default to a relative path. Herein lies the problem - our .dwg files reside in a different location (same drive), so the link can't be found.
I want to set the path as absolute but can't find a way to do so in the template file.
Any suggestions?
Comments from Factory Guys and Gals?

2005-02-03, 08:17 AM
Well, Mark, that's a clever idea, but possibly you are making matters more complicated than they need be.

How many states are there in Australia - 6 and 2 territories = 8 titleblock sheets required. ( If you were in each US state as well, you might have a good case. :-) )

For mine, I would either

Produce the first titleblock, save and amend for the other 7 office addresses - or
Use a shared parameter for the office addresses that can be swapped in / out by the users.
My preference is probably for option 2.

Forget that linking IMHO, - once you have the addresses done, they won't change very often anyway.

Mark James
2005-02-07, 07:10 AM
Thanks for your reply beegee.

Unfortunately, I think I may have oversimplified our dilemma in my original post.
Yes we do have offices in each state but we also have satellite offices in several states, and international offices around the world. About 45 in total (almost as many US States).
So, to create an individual titleblock for each office would involve a considerable amount of work - not to mention modifying these files at upgrade time. Then there is the possibility of future changes to titleblock design (logo, etc)
Adding to the problem, our typical office address is made up of the following:
- 165 characters
- 3 fonts
- 3 colours
This makes the parameter option inefficient.

I still believe the most effective solution is to link the .dwg files into the titleblock family.

So my question to anyone out there is:
Why is it possible to link files into a family (.rfa) file but not be able to manage those links (i.e. change file path from relative to absolute) because the links manager command is greyed out?

2005-02-07, 07:48 AM
OK, Mark point taken - you do need a way to do this with dwg files.

Manage links won't work as you've pointed out, ( yes , it seems that the paths are default relative within rfa's ), so the only work-around I can suggest is to load all the dwgs into the titleblock file and then each office would use Vis Graphics overrides to turn on only the dwg address label that applied to them.
If that doesn't work - ( there may be a performance hit ? ) I would look at the shared parameter option again.

Mark James
2005-02-08, 03:41 AM
Thanks beegee.

I have loaded the addresses into the titleblock family and attached visibility parameters to each.

Not my ideal solution... but it does work.
(think I'll add the linking option to the "wish list")

All addresses are switched off in the template file.
When loaded, the operator needs only to click on the titleblock check the properties and tick the relevant address/type parameter and the address appears.

Actually, this is well suited to adding titleblock logos and addresses of regular consultants or clients :-).

2005-06-29, 02:59 PM
Solution to stated problem excellent; however, unasked question
is why, why, why, why

dwg links are set to employ relative paths by default in both the Family & Project Editors.


dwg read only recognizes absolute paths.


2005-06-29, 03:47 PM
I'd still do it all with one titleblock and them use visibility options, parameter and a type catalog.

This would streamline the whole thing since the type catalog would contain all the address information and adding or changing an office would be as simple as updating the type catalog.

I've got 1 title block that morphs into a dozen different types for different uses. There are numerous color fonts and different garphics. However we only have 2 locations.

2005-06-29, 03:59 PM
We use the visibility for our US titleblocks. Works well to keep coodinated. UK titleblock looks totally different so they have their own.

I like the catalog idea...