View Full Version : Educational licensing

Dean Camlin
2003-10-28, 09:50 PM
I will be teaching an architectural CAD course at Carroll Community College (in Maryland) again in the spring, and thought everyone out there might like to know the latest information regarding Autodesk's educational licensing policies related to Revit. This is from Peter Mancini, regional Education Manager for Autodesk.

"By the Spring we will have student licenses of Revit available for purchase. The students will be able to choose from a one-year term license or an academic career license, with prices ranging from about $160 for the one-year license to about $380 to $480 for the academic career license. For an example of our current student offerings, please check out this web site:

Clyne Curtis
2003-10-28, 10:03 PM
That's great news! :D We have a lot of students on our campus interested in Revit, and hope to have a class going for spring semester.


2003-10-29, 08:33 PM
Thanks Dean that is very useful. I will be passing that along.

2003-10-30, 03:16 AM
Glad to hear it. I began teaching Revit last Spring semester (January) and the ONLY bad part about it was that the students couldn't have it at home. They had to come in and use the my lab. Hopefully, the licensing will be available by January for the beginning of our next Spring semester.

Arnel Aguel
2003-10-30, 08:18 AM
Hi guys any idea if this also the same pricing if you are going to open and ATC (Autodesk Training Center)?

Dean Camlin
2003-10-30, 10:09 PM
Arnel Aguel wrote:
Hi guys any idea if this also the same pricing if you are going to open and ATC (Autodesk Training Center)?

I don't know; probably best if you get into touch with Peter Mancini directly.

Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-31, 12:56 PM
That's great to know. I actually got that question from quite a lot of universities, other schools, teachers and students - Now let's hope it will be available in spring next year in Europe too.
I do think it's still a bit steep though, we're reselling for eductional and I recall we were having a 'summer action month' in which we sold ACAD student versions for just around $18... now that's a price at which every student who heard it will stop looking for other options and just buy!