View Full Version : Legends or "Admin" phase?

2012-09-18, 03:43 PM
Here is an informative thread about wall type legends that I just read. It was started in 2007 and updated in May 2012. What I'd like to assess is if the people who responded are just the most informative and vocal or if they represent a consensus. So please vote to choose your preferred method of creating a wall legend!

2012-09-19, 04:46 AM
Just thinking out loud, but...

How about putting them in a design option that isn't the default option (leave the default option empty), off to the side. Since it isn't the default option it won't show in any views by default. Then create a view that shows the option with the walls and do all your legend stuff there. You can create plans, sections, elevations, schedules, etc. just for that option.

*** I haven't tested this but in theory it should work. Anyone tried it?