View Full Version : Why is schedule moving and adjusting on sheets so "laggy"?

2012-09-18, 08:51 PM
Why is it that moving (click+dragging) schedules around on sheets or adjusting column widths seems to be EXTREMELY slow and "laggy" as compared to moving (click+dragging) around views and other elements on sheets? It can get pretty frustrating, especially when trying to select and move multiple schedules at once. Small adjustments are nearly impossible with click+drag. I have to nudge with the arrow keys or use the Move command.

Does dragging schedules consume exorbitant amounts of memory as compared to dragging other objects around?

2012-09-18, 10:37 PM
They seem to regen as you move, versus regenerating after you move. Kind of need to regen so you can see how to adjust. It would be nice if it just showed a box so it could move easier.

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-09-19, 04:52 AM
No solution to lag but can you filter the schedule when you place it so it only includes the headings? That might speed things up as you adjust widths. I know you probably need to adjust columns for maximum width of contents but, just a suggestion. I'd still like to see selection of all columns and a 'double click' to size to fit similar to Excel.

2012-09-19, 01:57 PM
We do have an open bug report on this issue and I will make a note that it is still a problem in the field.

Lynn Poliquin
Senior QA Analyst
Autodesk, Inc.

2012-09-19, 06:29 PM
I guess I understand the column adjusting thing, needing the constant regen. But yeah just a box while moving would be nice, like when moving views on sheets around.

However I can drag a title block around with some graphics on it, and it constantly regens and isn't nearly as laggy when dragging it as a schedule is, even a small schedule with only 10-15 rows and 6 columns.