View Full Version : problems using MultiView Blocks with surface elevation and projection

2012-10-10, 06:53 AM
ok so here is the problem:
I need to make a suite of tree symbols for landscape design
option1: MVblocks do not respond to SENDBLOCKTOSURFACE function and the attribtues function is disabled in c3d But they do project correctly as tree elevations in profiles/sections (this takes the least work,but without elevation/attributes cannto be used)

option2: use MV blocks wrapped inside of regular blocks with attributes respond to SENDBLOCKTOSURFACE function but project to section/profile using plan view symbols. the workaround create a projection style for each block and have the block set to the tree elevation sub-block of the MV block. (but then why bother making an MVblock at all if you have to do the same work twice once for MVblock and then again for projection style?)

option3: use MVblocks wrapped in blocks then used as symbols for a COGO point style then add custom properties for attributes this takes a lot of work but it does have attributes and can elevate to a surface; however, when the COGO point are projected to section/profile views the same problem as option2 the symbols show up incorrectly as plan view, also there is an extra step to create and name all the styles

is there any way to get all this stuff to work together correctly? to make the point realize that when it is being projected that the MVblock inside the block inside the point should switch view directions? or alternatively how to activate the elevation and attribute functions of an MVblock???