View Full Version : Origin & Translation

2012-10-19, 05:21 AM
Thanks in advance. I have a situation where I'm re-drawing a drawing that is in German. I now this might not be the correct area to get this info, so please forgive me. I'm using ACAD 2009 that is why I'm here.

My first questions relates to Origin. I have attached a drawing I'm re-drawing and it appears that the Origin is shown on the Top View of the drawing, which is fine. But the Bottom View also shows the origin using the Top also. Would a machinist know what to do when creating this part? Or should I show the Origin using another locatons, for ex: another hole on the botton view?

My second questions is in reference to Notes that are on the drawing. I tried to translate them, but since it's dealing with drafting the meanings don't seem to come out clear. If anyone can tell me what it says that will be grateful.

My Third question is can I show just one tolerance, for ex: the drawing I've attached shows only a dim tolerance with just a -0.2 mm, it does not show a dim of +0.0. The drawing I'm doing shows two dims now, but I would like to to show one if possible.

If by chance I'm in the wrong location on my post please do let me know.

Best Regards

2012-10-19, 08:03 AM
Translation from top to bottom:
adopted to IDEAS (a file management system?), Dimension modified
corrected drawing, Test “Tempern nach” added (Test may be a typing error, Text makes sense. Since I’m not familiar with this kind of industry this link might help with the term “Tempern” http://dict.leo.org/?lp=ende&from=fx3&search=tempern)
radius …added, former version was…
radius was…, radius R1 added, former version was…
edge moved, dimension was…, former version was…
air passage changed to left/right installation
slope … is not applicable (removed), was version 01
defrosting measures: air passage added, e) flute is not applicable (removed); 2 transverse drill holes added
2 cutouts added, b) outline changed c) transverse drillholes removed, flute added

I apologize for my bad english, since I'm far mor familiar with german I hope the translation will be helpful anyhow ;o)


2012-10-19, 02:46 PM
My first questions relates to Origin. I have attached a drawing I'm re-drawing and it appears that the Origin is shown on the Top View of the drawing, which is fine. But the Bottom View also shows the origin using the Top also. Would a machinist know what to do when creating this part? Or should I show the Origin using another locatons, for ex: another hole on the botton view?The origin is fine - in a strange place but (one must assume that) there must be a reason for it. Is is acceptable to create a second origin (for the underside) that is related explicitly to the first origin. It's just a matter of who does the maths - you or the operator.
BTW, the [52] hole centres in the underside are not tied to the origin at all but to the centre of the casting.

My Third question is can I show just one tolerance, for ex: the drawing I've attached shows only a dim tolerance with just a -0.2 mm, it does not show a dim of +0.0. The drawing I'm doing shows two dims now, but I would like to to show one if possible.
AFAIK, AutoCAD can't handle that - it requires a numerical value in each location.
BTW, IDEAS is another CAD system.

2012-10-19, 03:26 PM
Hello Cadz,

Vielen herzlichen Dank!,

It helped me out very much. Have a GREAT DAY & WEEKEND !!


2012-10-19, 03:27 PM
Hello John,

Thanks a million. Also, thanks for pointing out the [52] dim.

Take care & Have GREAT DAY/WEEKEND !!


2012-10-19, 03:54 PM
Hello Cadz,

I'm back already. I noticed another set of info on the drawing that you might be able to help me with. Thank you in advance.

the drawing shows the following:

"vor Bearbeitung getempert nach QMS AA 4.9-110"


2012-10-19, 06:47 PM
Hello Cadz,

I'm back already. I noticed another set of info on the drawing that you might be able to help me with. Thank you in advance.

the drawing shows the following:

"vor Bearbeitung getempert nach QMS AA 4.9-110"


"To be annealed prior to machining to QMS AA 4.9-110"

You need to know whether QMS AA 4.9-110 is a machining spec or an annealing spec. ;-)