View Full Version : 2013 Anybody noticed any flickering issues in 2013?

2012-10-22, 06:18 PM
I'm currently working on only my 2nd project in 2013, and I've noticed the screen (or more so the contents of the current drawing window) "flickering" every now and then as I'm working. Seems like it mainly happens when selecting and moving stuff, or maybe when zooming/panning. Sometimes it will just randomly flicker while it's sitting there doing nothing.

Graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 570 1 GB - not my first choice but worked okay in 2012. Anyone else seen anything like this?

2012-10-22, 06:46 PM
Not on my workstation, but on other co-workers computers. Not sure what settings they're using.

2012-10-23, 10:21 PM
I will get the same thing occasionally. I think I saw a large version of the viewcube pop up in the middle of my monitor. I'm talking blinking so fast there's no way I could tell what it was, so I kept triggering it while switching between views. I have a nvidia quadro 600 - 1gb with the latest drivers install. (Revit does not approve!) ;) I unchecked hardware acceleration in the options and it hasn't come back since. (only been 2 days though).

2012-11-29, 03:29 PM
Just got "forced" into installing 2013 for a project. And I'v noticed the same also. When panning/zooming, or selecting items, the view workspace flickers. It's making it hard to work because it flickers so much.

cliff collins
2012-11-29, 03:56 PM
This is a graphics card/ driver issue. Try turning off Hardware Accelleration under Options>Graphics, then restart Revit. If the problem goes away, it probably means your graphics card/driver needs updating.

Try updating the driver as a first step.

2012-11-29, 04:32 PM
I am having the same problems with Revit Arch 2013 Update 2 on several computer at my office as well. I have turned off hardware acceleration and the view flickering is still happening. Closing the view helps resolve problem temporarily.

2012-12-01, 02:37 PM
We had this same issue in two of our office machines. We switched the graphics cards from ATI to NVIDIA and it seemed to help alot.

2012-12-04, 06:11 PM
ah ha! Yet another reason I should dump this ATI card that came on this Dell machine. They didn't even give me any nVIDIA options when I was spec'ing the machine when it was ordered.

2012-12-04, 07:10 PM
I have an Nvidia, and my hardware acceleration is off, and it seems to happen any time I select or unselect and object. The only thing that I found that stops this from happening is not having the window maximized. If i "restore" the window, and then just pull the edges to the corners of the screen it works fine. But if anyone has an actual way to fix this that would be helpful.

2012-12-06, 11:19 AM
No problem at all here on a MacBook Pro

2012-12-06, 03:03 PM
I have an nvidia quadro 4000. no issues whatsoever. From past experience, ATI takes guesses on their drivers while nvidia invests heavily in keeping their drivers current....which is why Nvidia usually cost another 20 to 25% more. I think of it as buying a guarantee from Nvidia while ATI sells their "new" cards "as-is".

2012-12-06, 03:38 PM
I would tend to agree there. I have always found it quite easy to find and get the latest nVIDIA driver, while it's a little more of a pain to get, or even check to see what the latest version of ATI drivers are.