View Full Version : Existing Doors in a Door Schedule

2012-10-24, 12:49 PM
My firm incorporates existing doors to remain in the door schedule along with new doors. In AutoCad for ETR Doors for size information would just have a dash and for material and type it would just be represented with an ETR. It's no problem obviously for the material and type to be ETR but I'm not sure if it's possible for us to represent ETR as a piece of text for length and have it co-exist with doors that have the actual width and height dimension unless there's some trickery involved with formulas. Anyone have any ideas?

If you're wondering why we schedule existing doors it's because we will often do things to ETR doors such as add new hardware sets or refinish, etc.

2012-10-24, 02:42 PM
I think this thread might help you formulate some ideas. http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?74491-How-to-properly-show-existing-and-new-doors-in-a-door-schedule

Also, would you be able to just create an "existing door schedule" separate from the new? That would give you some better options for sorting then.

2012-10-24, 02:44 PM
Thanks...Having two schedules just isn't going to work for us. I should have done a search for this topic before I posted!

2012-10-24, 04:07 PM
No worries, its all part of learning. AUGI has automatic "related searches" pop up below your post too FYI. See bottom of this page.

2012-10-24, 04:39 PM
I think it could be done, but may require several extra parameters that are hidden in the schedule, and various IF conditional formulas. Not sure if a text field can be set to report a value equal to a length parameter or not. I'm betting not. If that's the case then there may be no way to automate it.

This may be a case of having to let go of old ACAD conventions and formulate a new convention that works with Revit, i.e. having two schedules, or using different families for existing doors as was described in the other thread, with nothing listed in the Height and Width fields. Or graphically using a 45-degree swing. Or some combination of all of those.

2017-05-31, 03:59 PM
I know this post is a little bit old so maybe Revit has incorporated some new features since. To create a schedule of just existing doors make sure the phasing through out your project is correct. Meaning that what's existing has been phased "existing" and what's new has been phased "new construction." After your project has been phased you can create a schedule with the desired fields. While viewing the schedule, in the properties under phasing choose "show only current phase" for the phase filter and choose "new construction" for the phase. Your schedule should now show only NEW doors and no existing.