View Full Version : Profile Structure Label style question

2012-10-26, 03:25 PM
I recently updated our style for Storm Structure labels in a profile, setting all the offsets so the text appears cleanly stacked.
All but two of my labels in one profile and apart of a continuous pipe network accepted the updated style and I can't seem to see why.
I've checked in the Properties, the two labels are on the correct style.
Ive switched them to our Sanitary profile structure style, saw them change, then switched the style back to Storm Profile and still these two do not look like all the other structure labels.

In the image below, the left is the jacked up label, the right is what it's intended to look like for the moment.

2012-10-30, 04:41 PM
Figured this out, be careful how you draw, or redraw connecting pipes. The pipe running to strc-8 was drawn backwards so strc-4 thought it had 2 inv. out pipes.

Patrick G
2013-04-18, 07:53 PM
Generally Speaking, You should only have one pipe going out, but you may have multiple pipes coming into a pipe. I've had trouble labeling INV IN when there is more than one pipe. Considering that, in your label style, if you had two pipes coming into the structure, the second INV IN text would overlap your INV OUT.

You can resolve that by switching the position of the INV OUT and INV IN locations.

Or you could just use one text box to label everything you have to the right of the line. No need for the seperate Text boxes with offsets.