View Full Version : Revit export to Autocad, problem with thin text?

2012-10-28, 03:56 PM
I work as a electrical engineer in a project, in the project the architect uses Revit 2012 and my company uses AutoCad 2013 with MagiCad.
We have a big problem with the text in the exports to Auotcad that the architect does. After xreffing the architects drawings in to our drawings and plotting them the text in the architectdrawing is so thin that you can´t read the text!?

When i open the architectdrawing and mark a text it says that the style is standard and that the font is ISOCP.
But when i write STYLE it says that the font for the style Standard is TXT!?.

The Arcitect says he in Revit has made everything right so that the text should be OK, but if you look att the attached PDF you can see how bad the text looks.

The only thing i can do is to explode all texts and set the style to standard and the font to ICOCP, then it looks alright, but i don´t think that´s my job in this project! The files sould be alright when they come from the architect. The Architect says ha has spoken to Autodesk´s support about this and that ther´s no soloution to the problem, but i dont belive them.....

I hope someone here can help me with this, we will have about 450 electrical drawings in this project and we must be able to read what the texts says.

2012-10-28, 04:38 PM
Are you using the Architect's plot style or your own? (They would have sent a PCP file with their DWG's...) If your using your own, then put the text on a thicker lineweight layer, or change the layer settings of the text to a lineweight that matches your plot style.

What you really need is a screenshot of what their text looks like. I've never known anyone to use ISOCP...so I'm thinking that they are using a font that you do not have and that is what AutoCAD is putting in its place.

2012-10-28, 05:40 PM
i´m using my own plotstyle. In our drawing we set the architects drawing to colour 9 and in our plotstyle that colour is set to 0,08mm. Everything else (walls etc) looks alright but not the text!?

See attached files for screenshots from the screen and from the plotted drawing......

2012-10-28, 05:42 PM
ISOCP is very common to use here in Sweden and i have it on my computer.......

2012-10-28, 05:43 PM
The problem must be in Revit some how!!

2012-10-29, 01:46 AM
Revit exports everything as blocks...so you exploding the text is the usual method...

2012-10-29, 03:33 PM
What version are you doing this in?
Text Export improved greatly in 2013.
Before that, it really didn't matter what the Style was in AutoCAD. Every single Text entity had the formatting embedded in the text string.
If you LIST one of the text strings, you'll probably see a bunch of stuff that looks like html tags before and after the characters that you see on screen.
I don't have a 2012 example anymore, but it looked something like:
This is the string that gets displayed
The only way to edit the Font was to delete that stuff in the brackets.

In 2013, all the is gone, and the text actually uses the Style.

2012-10-29, 04:10 PM
I really want to say its the font the architect is using....if its thin in AutoCAD then its thin on their plans. I just opened my DWG exports (as I had a submittal that went to the printer and still have to send DWG's...) All my text looks fine....but in the contents (properties) it shows the formatting is part of the text itself and not the Style. Exploding it changed it to standard style, then I have a Revit Arial that I can change it to from there and all the formatting goes away.

2012-10-29, 04:38 PM
That's it, Micheal.
It's all that bracket, slash f, Arial, bar b0 bar i0 stuff.
That tells me that it was exported from 2012.
Mine from 2013 looks like this:

2013-01-02, 06:44 PM
As I see the problem it's if Revit text style is slightly different from ACAD. I have been exporting projects to ACAD for a few months now and it seems that no matter what text style you use there is major cleanup needed. We use OOB text (Arial) but for our client standards we must use RomanS. I have mapped all text to export as RomanS but as soon as I open the ACAD file it is a very funky version of RomanS. It is almost bold. The way I fix the text issue is by editing the Text Style, change the text style to some random font then back to RomanS and then voila it's fixed! It's very time consuming and crazy at the same time. But since each view in Revit creates it's own Text style RomanS1, RomanS2 etc. etc. etc.you have to go through this for each text style or merge all text styles into one. *Sigh* Time consuming and a waste of billable time. :banghead: A thing for the 2013/14 wishlist???? HINT HINT
I hope this helps.