View Full Version : 2013 I have absolutly had it with my support company ATG

2012-10-29, 02:29 PM
I need help. I recently became the BIM Coordinator for an Architecture Firm that I've been working for several years. We have had our differences with our resellers in the past. It has gotten to the point where they are just flat out rude to me. Nobody can answer my questions and I'm extremely frustrated. Below is a direct quote from one of their Autodesk Applications Engineers when I asked if someone could walk me through the process of inserting a Revit sample Macro into a project. It's not like I expected them to write the macro.


We may have not been able to address your macro questions adequately. We are sorry about this. Our Revit specialists may have not worked with the programming customizations.


Here is an Autodesk university document on Revit macros:"

With that being said I need to find some comprehensive information about working with Macros in Revit 2013. It appears that they have switched the API to a tool called SharpDevelop or something like that. I can’t find any decent information about how to work in that environment let alone how it works with Revit.

I also had another question for ATG A few months ago I set all of our workstations up with a Revit deployment. I for some reason was under the impression that with a deployment I could figure out a way to update all of the workstations through that deployment. I believe Autodesk just recently released Update 2 for Revit 2013 and I would like to know what is the best way to handle these updates in a network deployment environment? My support people told me it will have to be installed individually on each workstation and "that's my answer I may not like it, but that's the way it's always been" That may be the case but I'd like to know if there is another way. I appreciate any help I can get especially if it's not rude. Thanks Guys!

Alfredo Medina
2012-10-29, 02:37 PM
I don´t see anything rude in that reply that you received. They are simply saying that they cannot help you in regards to macros, and they are providing a link to a document about macros. I don´t see anything wrong in that reply. Have you studied the document about macros that they suggested you to read?

2012-10-29, 02:56 PM
Okay a little backstory I've had several problems getting support from them over the past few months. I'm almost always in contact with the same person, who has to ask other people my questions they will not put me in direct communication with someone who knows what Im trying to ask, because all of those people are teaching training classes. A few months ago I asked for help using roombook and got the same response (links to Autodesk Website that I had already been through)
Yes I have looked into the linked information that they sent before I even contacted them, both tutorials that were not consistant with the API that I have in my release which they would have known had they taken the time to listen to what I had already researched. The fact they they put all of the "mays" in the response was offensive to me. It's like saying we don't know how to do this, but we're not going to admit it. I need better support any suggestions would be appreciated I just need to know that someone I'm paying for support can help me when I need it.

Ed Jobe
2012-10-29, 03:04 PM
Kelly, it seems that there is some confusion in what you expect from a reseller. While they can provide some technical support, not all of it is free. They will be limited in what they can do for you if all you have done is purchase the software from them. They can also provide training. Some can do contracted IT support. The questions you are asking involve IT issues, namely networking and installation. Typically, all you get by right of purchase is issues directly related to the software, e.g. bugs, "how do I draw stairs", etc. As a BIM manager, you don't necessarily need to to IT support. You can contract that out or get additional training for yourself.

As to your questions, Sharpdevelop is a free programming environment similar to MS's Visual Studio Express. Also, a network deployment doesn't mean client pc's can run the software "from" the network. The software still has to be installed on each pc. But the software is configured the same for each client and gets its license info from a network server. To update all clients, the service pack first has to be applied to the network deployment and then the deployment is used to update each pc.

Revised, You posted just before I posted mine: Since you are paying for support, you definitely have the right to get what you're buying (I don't know what your contract allows.) You should be able to deal with a tech directly and not a secretary. You may have to shop around until you find a var that can provide what you want. However, I would talk to the owner first and let them know that you are not satisfied with the service. They may not be aware of the situation.

Alfredo Medina
2012-10-29, 03:12 PM
The fact that you pay for support does not guarantee that the provider of the support is going to answer all your questions. I bet you that this is written somewhere in the terms of service. I can't think of any person or institution that has all the answers about Revit related questions. That is simply impossible. Providing a link or suggesting to contact somebody else who knows is some help; at least now you know where to go and ask. You could have contacted the speaker of that Autodesk University document. He would be able to help you. The "may" word in the sentence is just some kind of formal language, I guess, not something that should be considered offensive.

2012-10-29, 03:15 PM
I understand what you are saying I appreciate the help. I personally don't expect much from our reseller. I have never been under the impression that they are supposed to "train" me to use the software. The terms of our contrat with them are that they are to provide technical support so for that I would expect help when issues of updates and installation arise (i.e. deployments, Revit Server Installation, etc.) They are also supposed to be able to quickly answer user questions that may arise. They used to even go so far as to remote into my computer and work through problems with me. I don't expect custimized training or help with implementation I just expect to be able to have a normal conversation with a specialist without the middle man.

So If I apply the update to my oringinal deployment would I have to run that deployment again on each workstation? I know there is an option to edit a deployment I have done that before, however how does that work on the workstaion end?

Ed Jobe
2012-10-29, 03:30 PM
So If I apply the update to my oringinal deployment would I have to run that deployment again on each workstation? I know there is an option to edit a deployment I have done that before, however how does that work on the workstaion end?That's a two part subject. I did a quick search at autodesk.com/support and found this on adding the sp to the deployment (http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Revit/enu/2013/Help/00005-More_Inf0/0138-Installa138/0182-Revit_Ne182/0183-Network_183/0185-Planning185/0190-Include_190). Then that led me to the topic for alternative methods of deploying the update (http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Revit/enu/2013/Help/00005-More_Inf0/0138-Installa138/0182-Revit_Ne182/0196-Alternat196). You could probably find similar info in the network installation guide that comes with the software.

2012-10-29, 03:40 PM
Thanks. I was afraid it would end up having something to do with batch files. For that I'll most definitely have to pull in IT unfortunately we outsource our IT, which makes things like this a little more difficult. Good to know that I’m not crazy and there are ways to deploy an update. I think that was the last straw for me when the guy with ATG said:
"You will have to install the update on each workstation. That's your answer you may not like it, but that's the way it's always been"

I guess when all else fails turn to the help menu :)

Thanks Ed!!!!

2012-10-29, 03:52 PM
If your not satisfied with your reseller....there are other ones out there that might be more helpful once your contract is up with your current reseller...

2012-10-30, 08:05 PM
heh we use ATG also. However I have never turned to them for Revit tech support. Ever. I feel like I most likely know more about and have more experience with Revit than most people working there anyway. I pretty much always turn to AUGI or various Revit blogs, or open a support request with ADSK as a last resort.

We haven't had too much trouble with ATG other than they keep sending me subscription renewal emails and phone calls and such, despite me repeatedly telling them that I do not handle that aspect in our office.

2012-10-30, 08:19 PM
I know how you feel I'm almost positive I could teach them quite a bit. The problem is I need someone to work with me on Revit Server installation/implementation, pushing out service packs and updates through my deployment, as well as some support in software customization and development. I'm not looking for information on how to create a door family or build a stacked wall, and apparently that's the extent of their knowledge.

I have been looking into a company called Advanced Solutions they have "Platinum" status and are willing to offer what sounds like some great educated support for an awesome price. I'd look into them if you're up for renewal. Their account manager told me you know longer have to stay within a certain territory apparently you can get your subscription from anywhere without the approval of Autodesk like you had to have before. Does anyone know if that's true?

Ed Jobe
2012-10-30, 08:37 PM
Does anyone know if that's true?I answered that in your other thread. Try not to ask the same question in multiple threads. Advanced Solutions wouldn't be much of a reseller if they steered you wrong on such a basic issue. Its been that way for maybe 5 years?

2012-10-30, 08:48 PM
:) I know you answered the question, but I have scoured the subscription center looking for that information and I don't know maybe I'm terrible at navigating that site but I found no information in regard to a change in the policy. I was told last year by Microsol Solutions that I had to submit a request to Autodesk detailing why I wanted to go outside of my regional territory, maybe they were unaware that it has apparently been this way for 5 years? I don’t know. I have had some issues with resellers before and obviously don't believe everything that they say especially when they are trying to sell me something. Please forgive me for asking for a little more verification.

Ed Jobe
2012-10-30, 09:32 PM
You won't see those options in Subscription Center, unless you have rights. By default, the contract coordinator is the subscription center admin. In subscription center, the admin can designate someone else to manage users, etc. Find out who in your company signed the contract. They may not be aware that they are the admin.

2012-10-30, 10:00 PM
I know how you feel I'm almost positive I could teach them quite a bit. The problem is I need someone to work with me on Revit Server installation/implementation, pushing out service packs and updates through my deployment, as well as some support in software customization and development. I'm not looking for information on how to create a door family or build a stacked wall, and apparently that's the extent of their knowledge.

I have been looking into a company called Advanced Solutions they have "Platinum" status and are willing to offer what sounds like some great educated support for an awesome price. I'd look into them if you're up for renewal. Their account manager told me you know longer have to stay within a certain territory apparently you can get your subscription from anywhere without the approval of Autodesk like you had to have before. Does anyone know if that's true?

Interesting. I figured out how to do deployments myself using a Microsol video (which ADSK references on their own Revit 2013 Wiki page for deployments haha), but as for updates I'm not sure. I still don't know how to "push" automatic deployments or updates. If I don't do it locally on each machine (we only have 5 seats) then I do it from my desk using RDP connections to the other workstations.

2012-10-30, 10:07 PM
See that's what I'd like to avoid. Since we have a location in Little Rock as well as Jonesboro I'd like to be able to manage the updates and service packs from my own workstation. I understand that it's more work on the front end, but once I get it figured out it will make my life easier in the future. We have 13 seats but they are divided between locations.

Update. I as well used the Jame Wong tutorials to do my deployments. That's why I decided to look into using Microsol as our reseller. Their support was just a little too expensive.

2012-11-01, 10:19 PM
Thought you might enjoy this. The list below outlines the steps we have found cover 99% of our interactions with EVERY companies tech support group.

1. Uncover a problem.
2. Post a new Service Ticket (ST) with a concise explanation of the problem.
3. Upload a small, complete example to the support FTP site.
4. Wait.
5. After receiving no response for several weeks, contact one of the higher-ups at the company and complain
6. Immediately receive a response from a service technician with an example of some solution to a problem that has nothing to do with the problem you posted.
7. Go back and forth with emails until you finally convince them to look at the actual example you originally posted.
8. Have them tell you they can't reproduce the problem on their end.
9. Go back and forth with emails until you finally convince them to try the actual example you originally posted in the version of the software that you originally told them it didn't work in.
10. Have them tell you that, yes, the problem is reproducible.
11. Have them try a bunch of things on their end that fail to solve the problem.
12. Receive an email from them tell you that the problem has been logged as a "Trouble Report" (TR), and the "requested feature" may be added to a future version of the software.
13. Never hear from them again.

When someone asks where we are with a given problem, we can just say, "Step 7," and everyone knows what that means. LOL

Brian Myers
2012-11-02, 02:39 AM
Hello Kelly,

Yes, resellers can sell across territory lines...they've been able to for almost a year now with reduced paperwork involved. But it's significantly less profitable if they do (related to their margins on software from Autodesk, etc) thus you don't see them actively going outside their territories as its usually a money losing proposition.... unless they have a serious sales lead. In this instance their money for them ultimately comes in subscription renewals and service dollars.

As far as pushing a deployment, the only two ways I know to do it are batch files and group policies. Of course, some will state if you had a virtual (cloud) environment then you could manage it easier...but you don't and I won't go into that. ;) On a slightly easier note, I've seen CAD/BIM managers just remote desktop onto the machine (individually) in the evening and launch it manually.

That being said, I'm not a group policy guru, but that's what we used to have our IT individual do when I worked at a 60 user firm, I'd prep the files and he would "push" the update when the user logged on at the beginning of the day.

2012-11-15, 02:07 PM
An easy way to push updates is to use Novell Zenworks. Then you don't have to touch every workstation. I use it for all my Revit updates.
