View Full Version : I plotted and my acad.exe disapeared.

2012-10-31, 03:47 PM
Has this happened to anyone? I was running AutoCAD 2011 and I plotted from a sheet set and then AutoCAD closed itself and then it couldn't find the exe.

2012-10-31, 04:18 PM
We copied the executable from another computer running the same specs and fixed the error. This may have been a hardware error or fault.

2012-10-31, 05:13 PM
We copied the executable from another computer running the same specs and fixed the error. This may have been a hardware error or fault.

Thanks for following up with your workaround, that is a pretty odd one I hadn't encountered before.

2012-10-31, 09:10 PM
Thats kind of a round-about way of doing it. SPs and some hotfixes will replace the core EXE in addition to other support files. The days where you could just copy executables around are long gone, trying to do that now is a good way to cause mystery problems down the road e.g. won't install a later SP but still tells you its not updated.

I've seen the OP's problem before in a couple of circumstances. Sometimes its trying to hide-plot an object which is corrupt in some way. Other times the contents of the viewport are so complex/way to detailed for the scale that it exceeds the available RAM, which will crash any program. Never had a problem with it not finding the EXE though.