View Full Version : 2012 elevation markers inverted in mirrored project

2012-11-05, 08:13 PM

I've recently starting fixing up a project that was mirrored. Most of it has been standard stuff, re-doing annotation etc.

however, one of the non standard items I haven't been able to fix yet is... my exterior elevation markers have had the references inverted...

It used to say 2/GC2, but now it says GC2/2.
(I can't upload a pic for a variety of reasons... but there really isn't any need. )

the elevation that its referencing is correct, west is west and south is south etc... its just the elevation annotation marker that has gone wonky.
I have tried re-importing the family to redefine the marker... no luck.
I have tried to mirror the marker - no luck either.

I am thinking the only fix will be to remake the elevations... which is time consuming, but then again so is troubleshooting.

any ideas?

2012-11-05, 08:37 PM
Check out here: http://software.revolutiondesign.biz/elevationfix/

2012-11-05, 08:43 PM
that is an unacceptable solution...

2012-11-05, 08:49 PM
True...just realized that your using 2011 still...perhaps you should upgrade to the newest version with all the fixes....that would be an acceptable solution.

2012-11-05, 08:54 PM
i just realized that this project has been updated to 2012. so my silly prefix is incorrect... all of our other projects are in 2011. (its been quite a day here... forgive my confusion)

this project has been updated to 2012 since the flip.

i cannot have to rely on a third party program to fix this though... the amount of paperwork just to install that would be Vogonian in proportion.

I have investigated many other forums for the answer to this and no one has had the same issue... although i know that is impossible! haha. I cannot be the first...

2012-11-05, 08:58 PM
The fix was done by people that know the Revit API....its something that only needs to be run once by one person....

You will find that lots of Add-ons/upgrades are done by "Third Parties".... if relying on These Third parties are unacceptable I feel sorry for you and your company of all the excellent add-ons you can use.

cliff collins
2012-11-05, 09:02 PM
Sounds like you have 2 choices:

1. Try the add-in
2. re-create all the views

Which one seems like it makes the most sense and will save the most time/effort/$?

2012-11-05, 09:35 PM
really? thats it? i just find that... rather dissapointing.

thanks for the info.

cliff collins
2012-11-05, 09:39 PM
Well--there might be other options, but they may take time and may not have any positive effect.

FWIW--I have used Mirror Project many times, and I have NEVER seen the elevation tags' annotations flip as you describe. Have you checked your Warnings and/or searched by element ID for any corrupt elements?

2012-11-05, 09:48 PM
constructive comments! ok, no, i have not checked warnings and searched for corrupt elements... I will try those things.
I find it really weird that the tags flipped. I have added new elevation tags and they appear as normal. If i try to mirror the tags, it just creates a new elevation marker instead... which also has inverted information when that new elevation is added to a sheet. Another thing i noticed, is that it seems to only be the east/west elevation markers that have been inverted. the north/south ones have remained normal.

this is the first project we have mirrored and I wasn't a part of the mirroring process. I'll check on the items mentioned above.

and i'm not completely opposed to the app, but in many years of cadding, i've never HAD to use one to fix my issues. so i'm reluctant to jump to that solution.

cliff collins
2012-11-05, 09:53 PM
aha! more interesting facts revealed about the circumstances and problem.

If only two elevations are affected, then I would re-create them and move on. If it is 10 or more elevations (which are fully annotated, etc.) then I would consider the add-in.

If you were "not involved" with the Mirror Project routine, then perhaps it would be worth taking a back-up or shadow copy of the file prior to the Mirror Project command
and try it again as a test--and see if it works properly. If it does the same thing again, then perhaps there is an issue with the elevations being "stale" or corrupt in the file
prior to Mirror Project execution.

2012-11-05, 09:57 PM
I wonder if any of the crop regions were pinned? Just a thought...

Duncan Lithgow
2012-11-08, 03:09 PM
I'm not completely sure if I've understood but I'm wondering if the label in the elevation mark pointer is actually two labels which have swapped their placement?

2015-08-28, 11:08 PM
What a surprise to find this thread. A pretty OLD thread but still.
I have two markers in one project that have the labels switched on me. I cannot tell why at all. The project was not mirrored. One elevation is pointing north and the other i pointing west.
They were small elevations so I did some cut n paste on some annotation and redid whatever else I had.
Anyone else ever see this? This is a weird one as far as I am concerned.

2016-02-25, 09:06 PM
Select upside-down marker > Select All Instances > Entire Project > then just swap them to a different type and back...worked great