View Full Version : 2011 Dimmensions on Layout Mode

2012-11-12, 02:25 PM
Can someone help me on something that's going on

with my Autocad?

I'm doing dimmensons on Layout and I'm facing a

problem: Using the same configurations of

dimmensions, sometimes I get the right dimmension,

but sometimes, without changing any

configurations, I get wrong dimmensions.

At the same drawing, with the same configurations,

I get different dimmensions to the same line. The

only way that I'm being able to correct it is by

using Match Properties (from a correct dimmension

to the one that went wrong).

Is there any way to fix it or does anyone knows

what's happening??

Thanks a lot!

2012-11-14, 06:30 PM
If you are dimensioning by snapping to objects in model space, you may get a different dimension than if your layout dim is simply in paper space, depending on the value of DIMVAR DIMLFAC; that may be the reason for the difference.

2012-11-15, 04:51 AM
You might need to check your Dimension Style Manager if there is any dimension style overrided.
Remove the override if this is the case.