View Full Version : Publishing coordinates ???????

2012-11-13, 03:57 PM
How comes when you try to publish coordinates back to a cad file nothing happens? I have my model set up in the right coordinate’s, I linked a cad file in and aligned the grids then published and then done a save of my model.

I was under the impression that then I go to open the cad file it should have moved to the same coordinates as my model?

Am I right or wrong ??

Thank you

2012-11-14, 06:30 AM
I didn't think something like that was possible, but accoring to these steps they are:

2012-11-14, 07:52 PM
After you publish the coordinates to the linked file, Save the Revit model. (Or go to Manage --> Manage Links --> CAD Formats, select the linked CAD file and click Save Position.) You will then be prompted with some options. Click Save to save the coordinate locations to the linked file.


Then in AutoCAD, you can select the WCS. In this case, the one I exported is called Test.