View Full Version : Splitting Model in Half

2012-11-13, 04:32 PM
I am working on a project with (2) phases. At the beginning we were adamant to keep both phases in the same file, but we just issued phase 1 CD's and our model is 275mb. We are starting to worry about performance for the next phase. I tried splitting the model by "saving as" then deleting all the phase 1 stuff, but only got it down to 234mb. I thought about creating a new project from office template and copy clipping into, but keep getting an error - attachment included.

Any suggestions?

2012-11-13, 05:10 PM
Your still planning on doing your CA work in the existing model right? I would keep the model as is...that way if there is changes during CA your next phase will show those changes.

If your worried about model performance, put the previous phase on a different workset that you can turn off and focus on the current phase.

2012-11-13, 07:25 PM
I am currently working on a project with 4 phases...all in one model. That's what phases are for. I think if you split it out into two different projects you will find that it's more of a pain than if you left it all in one project. Like Michael said, use worksets to improve performance.

2012-11-13, 08:40 PM
Are you noticing performance issues at 275mb? Our models always get upwards of 300+mb and we don't really see performance problems until about 450-500mb. I think for performance you should be quite diligent about doing frequent, periodic model audits. For big projects, if you don't already, you might consider assigning a team member to model maintenance once a week for a couple hours (4-8?). They could purge unused stuff, fix those pesky warnings (some of them really slow things down), and delete those unused views people create as they work. I'm sure people more experienced than me could tell you what is useful in a model audit to keep things running well.

2012-11-13, 08:53 PM
we haven't seen any significant performance issues yet, but that is our biggest concern. we have a project that is almost impossible to work in and its just over 250mb..........its the first Revit project done at this firm and i suspect its due to the large number of linked files and poor revit practice in general.

i think i will end up going the workset route. i typically like to see both phases for reference, but can always break into more worksets.

thanks to everyone that took the time to read and think about it!