View Full Version : Hi,my homework to this forum

2012-11-18, 02:27 PM
Hi,I have join this forum for a long time, and get many help from many kind people. I post this file just as a homework, my homework to AUGI, to the people who had helped me in the past, and the people who will give me a hand in the future.
This is a great forum,Thanks! Thanks to all of you!

Here is a instruction to the parameters:
floorslab=the thickness of the slab
as=the distance of the 2 self-adaptive-point
an01~an03=the angle of one slab relative to the below slab,in the 3 part
an=total angle of a slab,relative to the first in the bottom
elli a,elli b=the diameter of the slab,the ellipse
h1,h2,h3=each part has its own height,and shoud be a integer number,and the total result is always 40,
cshu=the position of a slab in the repeat path .
and only one parameter can't be changed,the storyheight,it is the spacing of 2 neighbour points in the repeat path.
and then the images and the files

2012-11-18, 02:29 PM
the files,one is the slab,another one is the mass

Alfredo Medina
2012-11-18, 06:21 PM
Thank you very much! This is an application of what I call "adaptive repetitions". Excellent.

2012-11-19, 01:22 AM
Thank you very much! This is an application of what I call "adaptive repetitions". Excellent.

I'm very happy if it's a bit funny to you. It is that, I go through your blog each week,to get something to learn.

The original idea is the "Monroe" in the Canada Mississauga,the people that I followed his idea, is nilege,in the EaBIM forum,here is the link to his post,http://eabim.s117-18.myverydz.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4692&highlight=%C3%CE%C2%B6,and then I develop it to a new model with 3 different part with its own angle.

hehe, I am just following some steps.

Alfredo Medina
2012-11-19, 03:51 AM
Well, your link takes me to a forum in China, and I can't understand anything there. :)

All I am saying is that the exercise that you have posted is very interesting. Thank you for sharing it.

Also, nice to know that I have readers in China! :)

2012-11-19, 02:30 PM
Sure , I have email your website to my friends 2 month ago.

Here is a link to the screencast of the model, it's me,hehe,but I speak it in Chinese, so you can shut down the voice,http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU0NzY4MDIw.html