View Full Version : Help with linking Revit Structural file to Revit Architecture (linked file visibility settings)

2012-11-19, 09:41 PM
I would like a little help with linking revit files. I currently have a model of my building and am trying to link the structural file they are both in 2012 format.

I initially linked the fine but felt overwhelmed because all the elements were showing up. I was having trouble trying to turn off the visibility of the elements. So, I decided save a separate file with the structural posts. Since that is the information that I am working with. I linked the new post file and thought great everything is working. Then I noticed that in my sections and elevations the "structural levels" tags were showing. I have searched but can not find out how to turn them off.

Any help would be appreciated. I would like to know how to remove them from my views, hopefully there is a global command so I do not have to do this in every section and elevation. I think if there is a solution it is probably linked to my original thought of not being able to turn off any elements from the main structural file.

2012-11-20, 12:36 PM
I would recommend keeping the entire structural file instead of deleting everything but the posts. Just link the full structural model in, go into Visibility Graphics and select the Revit Links tab. This will allow you to control the visibility of elements in the structural file. Typically you should only need to turn off the structural levels and grids. To do this in the Revit Links tab, select the structural file where it say "By Host View". Change this to "Custom" and then adjust the VG of the structural file. I typically just turn off the entire set of annotation categories instead of just selecting levels and grids. It's just easier. Apply those settings and you should have your fix. Then to apply those settings to other views, create a view template that only modifies the Revit Links tab. Apply that view template to your other views.

2012-12-04, 12:01 AM
An extra level of coordination to consider implementing: Provide your structural consultant a View Template that sets up all the VG settings you want for specific views within YOUR documentation, and have them named specifically. Then, it's incredibly easy and fast to set your view's link to that specific 'Linked View". Best part is in ongoing development, if you want to see their model elements differently, you update the View Template, they reapply it, and your views update upon reloading their newest uploaded link.