View Full Version : Detail Book vs. Detail Sheets

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-02-07, 09:12 PM
Just wondering how others are handling their contract docs with regard to details.
I have never been a fan of the bound volume containing details for a project and prefer to place details, more or less in context and grouped with similar details, on full size drawing sheets.
I realize the merits and drawbacks of each and was just curious if anyone is using Revit to set up letter size output for a large number of detail sheets.

2005-02-08, 02:38 PM
I put all my details on sheets grouped by type. Exterior Details, Door & Windows, Interior Details.

2005-02-10, 07:41 PM
I also place the details on large sheets. Although demands more time, having the details on a large sheet is almost guaranteed that the details will always be on site and not forgot inside some draw.



2005-02-10, 09:36 PM
sheets in the drawing set

2005-02-10, 11:51 PM
Sheets in drawing set, again, in context (and proximity when possible) to the area being detailed.

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-02-11, 01:32 AM
Another quick poser...

has the approach changed from the Autocad days (assuming most were using Autocad before seeeing the light ;) ) i.e. has Revit's drag and drop approach to sheet layout changed the way you prepare your contract docs?

Roger Evans
2005-02-11, 01:47 AM
For communication use details sheets .. For covering your backside use detail book

Martin P
2005-02-12, 10:36 PM
Residential - standard detail book, tear out details not required

Commercial etc - detail sheets, as they are never very standard and its less hassle than creating a booklet......

2005-02-12, 11:14 PM
Contractors prefer sheets (and the fewer the better) with all the required info and details on the sheet. I prefer that too as long as it does not get too crowded.

I think clients tend to expect everything to be on a sheet too, and I have heard comments regarding 'perceived value' where previous Architects have presented "a load of little drawings that have been copied out of a book and stapled togther' !

Going slightly OT, what really annoys me is when I see a drawing with lots of standard details merely pasted from the manufacturers CD/website and the lazy person has not even bothered to edit them to make them conform to the actual design. I've seen roof and ground floor slab details that have got the drawings approved by building control, but that have left the builder scratching his head when he comes to build them.

With regards to the layout tools of Revit, then they are simply marvelous. I am a stickler for nice presentation for client and builder, and what used to be a chore in ADT, is now a joy in Revit.
It has not saved me any time though, as now I keep jigging the page around to see what looks better, as it's so easy to do. lol