View Full Version : Level lines, can't get to show after hidden...

2005-02-07, 11:36 PM
I have selected a building level line to have hidden in certain views, well now I want to 'unhide' them but I see no option of doing so.

I've noticed before when having troubles that sometimes I have the option to unhide them, other times, no options to unhide.

What am I overlooking?

PS I even tried to reset to extents, then trying, but same result as above.



Scott D Davis
2005-02-07, 11:45 PM
Did you use the "Hide Annotation in View" tool by right-clicking on the annotation? If so, hover over where the level line should be, and it will 'ghost'. Then right-clcik on it and chose "Show Annotation in View".

2005-02-08, 12:08 AM
in my experience it's a little picky with hiding and unhiding. I would try hovering as scott suggested and then select the level before right clicking. also have the cursor over the level line rather than the level head when right clicking. hopefully that helps.

2005-02-08, 12:31 AM
There is an easy way of doing this, in cases where you know which level has been hidden & you're having trouble locating it using hover...( as Steve is saying )

In the Project Browser, right click on the level that was hidden, select " Find Referring Views" go to the view you want and there the level will be highlighted red, right click and select " Show Annotation in View "

2005-02-08, 04:19 AM
Ahh, I guess it is a little finicky...I just have to keep playing with it until it finally decides to give me the feature of "Unhide" weird huh?

I'll try the "Find Referring Views" next time for sure...thanks guys. :)

Les Therrien
2008-03-03, 11:34 PM
OK, that was the old way of getting levels to reappear. How about in Revit 2008????

Les Therrien
2008-03-03, 11:40 PM
Found it!
Reveal hidden elements!