View Full Version : Topo elevation problem

2012-11-22, 08:28 AM
Ok, so here's the problem. I have a topo plan which is linked into an architects model. The elevation levels are at the correct height in the model and also when i do a spot elevation. The only problem is, when i click on the topo surface to edit it, the elevation of the points in the surface edit dont match my spot elvations......... if that makes sense?

I'm aware this is probably a problem to do with project base point and survey point but how do i correct it??? any help greatly appreciated.


2012-11-22, 04:47 PM
Welcome to the forums!

You could check whether its a base point issue by going into an elevation and hitting the lighbulb to see where it is. But, to answer your question, you could relocate your project to make the numbers correspond (Manage tab, position, relocate project). See how you get on with that.

2012-11-23, 05:02 PM
You will get that if you already relocated or are tagging Shared coordinates

2012-11-28, 08:37 AM
thanks for the replies guys. I was aware of the project base point and survey point icons but moving them up or down doesnt effect the internal elevation of the topo., neither does relocating the project. From searching many other forums and playing about with various things i think the problem has arisen from when the project was first created. The user who created the project, instead of using the re-locate project tool to change the elevation of the job they have physically moved it up to the required elevation using the move tool.

This is the only explanation i have a the minute anway.

2013-09-19, 04:34 PM
If your site is in your building file, you must set your building base point and your survey point to 0,0. Then move your building (all levels) up until they are at the correct elevation. If your site is not in your building file (an external link) you can link it in via shared coordinates.