View Full Version : Construction Sequencing and Phasing

2012-11-29, 01:36 PM
I need to show Construction Phasing plans for a 100,000 sq ft project addition/renovation. There are currently 4 construction phases but the construction phases are unrelated to the Construction Documents in which there will only be Existing and New using the phasing tool in Revit.

How should I graphically manipulate the Phasing Plans to show some work completed and other work not started yet if in the construction documents the work is being shown in one Phase? I thought of using worksets for this task and managing the graphics that way but it sort of seems like a lot of work for only 4 sheets in the set.

2012-11-29, 02:24 PM
Is there any particular reason not to create phases in the Revit file to reflect the phases in the construction documentation?

2012-11-29, 02:32 PM
The construction phasing sequencing drawing is only phasing in the contractual sense and is unrelated to the New Construction that is being done in the CD set. If I set up Phases 1-4 for New Construction the New Floor Plan is going to have to be set to Phase 4 to show all the new work. The Phase filter will be set to Show Previous and New to make sure the existing to remain geometry is show gray which means Phases 1-3 will also be shown gray. I might just rely on CAD Links to graphically represent the work done in this drawing. Quite a management pain but might be better than making an entire team pay attention to the organization of several worksets.

2012-11-29, 02:45 PM
If any documentation has to be done in support of the drawings showing individual phases or the drawings have to show individual phases and their progress, I'd do the 4 phases in Revit.

If no documentation other than producing drawings that have existing and a proposed phase, I'd just go along with the simple 2 phase option.

Or am I being dumb and missing something relevant here...? ;-)

2012-11-29, 02:51 PM
This may be a huge pain the the, well you know what, but couldn't you create a parameter for construction phasing as an integer or something. Then assign element a number and use filters to display what you need.

Jeff S.

2012-11-29, 02:51 PM
They are two different things. Construction sequencing is demonstrating to the GC that this portion of the building is constructed between the months of May to August and this part is being constructed between August and December...etc. ...but it's all new construction in the Construction Documents.

2012-11-29, 03:02 PM
This may be a huge pain the the, well you know what, but couldn't you create a parameter for construction phasing as an integer or something. Then assign element a number and use filters to display what you need.

Jeff S.

I kind of like this solution. It's really only the management of new content so existing to remain wouldn't be a factor. It's a much better idea than using Worksets since that would affect the entire team and the option of adding a project parameter would only need to be managed by one person.

2012-11-29, 03:07 PM
This may be a huge pain the the, well you know what, but couldn't you create a parameter for construction phasing as an integer or something. Then assign element a number and use filters to display what you need.

I would agree with this, but it's not as much of a pain as it would seem. You can create a Project Parameter (Text, Instance) to manually define the Phase and assign it to all Model Categories. Then, create a Multi-Category Schedule. Include ONLY this Project Parameter as a Field. Clear the "Itemize all Instances" box. Set the Schedule's Phase to the first New Construction Phase and the Phase Filter to "Show New". This will leave a single empty box in the schedule, and by entering a value, that value will be pushed to ALL of the new elements belonging to that Phase. Create a Schedule for each new construction phase and the mass-application and control of these values will be easy.

As new elements get added, go back to the Schedules and simply re-apply that value.

2012-11-30, 02:56 PM

I like your idea for Text, Instance Parameter, better then my original idea of just an integer. But, maybe they could both be used, a text for the Month & year, and an integer as the day. This would make much more sense to a construction manager, then a bunch of numbers without reference. I wonder if Navisworks would be a better environment for this type of exercise.

Jeff S.

2012-12-04, 06:49 PM
Are you going to have your whole CD set with all drawings showing as New Construction, and then just 1 or 2 sheets showing phasing plans? If this is the case, then honestly I would just use a transparent hatch pattern over the pertinent areas of each plan.

2012-12-05, 05:03 PM
Are you going to have your whole CD set with all drawings showing as New Construction, and then just 1 or 2 sheets showing phasing plans? If this is the case, then honestly I would just use a transparent hatch pattern over the pertinent areas of each plan.

I like Patricks approach. If you're just laying out a graphical timeline for the contractor for staging purposes just keep it a simple graphic. Colored area plans would also work.

2012-12-06, 11:18 AM
Why not use Navisworks for that?

2012-12-06, 03:10 PM
Why not use Navisworks for that?

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that most Revit users probably don't have that software. Maybe that's not true but that's just my feeling.