View Full Version : 3D views not retained in project

2005-02-08, 06:47 PM
I'm new to Revit and can't figure this one out. Is there a setting buried somewhere that toggles the retention of 3D views in a project? I have two projects, each with several 3D views (generic NW, SW, NE, SE, etc). One file retains the views from session to session...the problem file loses the settings and reverts all three or four views to the last one prior to exiting. Is this a simple newbie oops, or what?

Tim Olson

2005-02-08, 06:52 PM
You mean, you rotate your views into position, but they do not stay that way?

Open the dynamic view dialog and notice the little "save" button on the bottom.

2005-02-08, 08:16 PM

Thanks for the swift reply. Obviously a simple solution...but to me it seems a bit odd that I don't see any confirmation that a 3D view has been saved unless the Dview dialog is open. In addition, the save/revert buttons are grayed out in all other views listed in the Project Browser...those views (2D) are saved by default. The implication, to me at least, is that 3D views I create would be treated the same way...saved unless I delete them.

Thanks again,
Tim Olson

2005-02-08, 09:55 PM
3D views are dynamic. Changing a 3D view to an isometric or orbiting changes the current view. Just as changing the view properties of a floor plan changes that current view. Another way to save a 3D view - Just select the current view in the browser - right click and duplicate. This creates a new view with the same view direction as the current and saves it. However orbiting in any of the 3D view changes the view setup - so its easy to "bump" something you've set up for presentation.

Here's a little known tip: To better "lock" a 3D view you are using for presentation use the View->Camera tool. Uncheck the perspective box. This will create an isometric base on a fixed camera and target point. You'll still be able to adjust the view using the dynamic view tools, but it is less likely that someone else working on the project will change the setup.

(It would be nice to be able to push-pin the camera, but this has no effect...)

2005-02-08, 10:09 PM

The "save function" is great - but is it limited only to a single saved image. If so - why not allow additonal saves?


2005-02-08, 11:03 PM

You mean, why not create more views?