View Full Version : Ghost Phases

2012-11-30, 07:33 PM
I'm working in Revit 2013, and trying to add a new phase to a large existing project. I combined all phases in the existing model into a single phase to call it existing, but when I try to work on individual objects, they still maintain their old phases (prior to combining). These phases no longer exist in my phase tab, but they are somehow still referenced to all of the objects.

2012-11-30, 07:40 PM
Have you tried closing and re-opening the Project? (Create a new Local File, if using Worksharing)

2012-11-30, 07:48 PM
I have tried closing and re-opening, making a new local, and auditing. I also installed the revit 2013 update #2

2012-11-30, 07:55 PM
I've not seen behavior this before. Would it be possible for you to save a copy of that Project, delete all but a few of the rogue elements, purge it, and post it here?

2012-11-30, 09:03 PM
Find attached the file

The file has an "existing" phase and a "tenant revision" phase, but some of the elements are in a "tenant" phase unreferenced in the project

2012-11-30, 09:28 PM
Definitely appears to be a tiny glitch. It seems that the elements that are on the non-existent Phase "Tenant" are treated as being on the "Existing Phase" by Revit, according to the scheduling. You can remedy the situation as follows:

1. Create a new Multi-Category Schedule.

2. Include only one Field, specifically, one that would be blank for all elements. (i.e. Comments or make a new Project Parameter temporarily)

3. Clear "Itemize All Instances". This should leave the Schedule with a single, blank cell.

4. Under the Schedule View's Properties, set Phase to 'Existing', and Phase Filter to 'Show All'.

5. Click on that cell and then click 'Highlight in Model' from the Ribbon.

6. You'll have to use the Selection Filter to remove the Curtain Wall Components (and maybe others), and then you should be able to change the Phase of all of the selected elements to 'Existing' at once.

2013-02-07, 09:46 PM
Great idea for elements, but what do you do for rooms still looking at the old phase? You can't alter the room phase like you can a component.