View Full Version : Dashed line footings

2005-02-08, 09:19 PM
I have just got the go ahead to setup Revit in our office, so my questions may become more frequent.

Here is the first.

I am creating our walls and was going to create a wall that would be set for various footing sizes. However, found that I can't just change the line type of just that wall. Why not? Seems to be the perfect spot to use such an option. Not to many architects I know keep their footings as continuous line, at least not here. I have read other post already. Is the only way to get a dashed line for footings on a foundation plan to do another plan region and change the visibility on the walls.

Also, is there an option to not have any fill in a wall...say have the fill be transparent. I use a black background and really do not want to see a 2'-0" white wall all around my foundation plan. It would be nice to have this turn off in shaded mode.

There has to be something easier than that.


Allen Lacy
2005-02-08, 09:26 PM
I use the linework tool to change the footings to <hidden> lines. Set your view range so that you can see the footing lines, use linework tool, the reset your view range. This works well for showing roofs, balconies, etc. above, too.

2005-02-09, 12:28 AM

There are many different ways to do this.

Allen's method works well, but you may also be interested in the one that Aaron posted a while back :-

My system is to duplicate a view and set the level and view range so it slices only a sliver at the footing foundation level.

I then turn off everything but the footings (walls/floors) and then apply an override to those object styles so the display as a dashed line. I also set the view properties to wireframe.

Then I place this view on top of the floor plan view on the sheet with no title.

If I add things to the foundation plan I don't have to use the linework tool again.

2005-02-09, 06:35 AM
Thank you both. I think I will try both ways and see what everyone here likes the best.

Till the next question.

2005-02-09, 09:43 PM
I prefer the linework tool myself. If something changes, I don't mind repairing the footing with the linework tool.