View Full Version : How to print cropped region of a perspective view

2005-02-09, 09:48 AM
Avez vous une idée comment imprimer le cadre de vue d'une vue caméra perspective ?

Any idea about how to print the cropped region of a perspective camera view ?

2005-02-09, 12:53 PM
How about just creating a new camera view that shows what you need?

Otherwise, you can use the method of printing the "visible portion of the current window" if you size the window exactly to what you want to show.

2005-02-09, 01:16 PM
sorry to the difficult to explain

What I want is to print the border that is defined by the cropping region
On the sheet (pic #1) it's visible
On the preview and print (pic #2) it's not

Ce que je souhaites, c'est imprimer le cadre de la vue.
Sur la feuille (fig 1) c'est visible
Sur l'apreçu et l'impression (fig 2) ce n'est plus le cas.

2005-02-09, 01:21 PM
In the Print Setup dialogue box there are some check boxes at the bottom under Options One of these is Hide crop boundaries and is probably checked, uncheck it and your crop boundaries should print.

Sorry, no French from me!
