View Full Version : 2012 What is the Best Approach for Embedded Curtain Wall with Rollup Doors

2012-12-12, 01:24 AM
The setup (colors added for clarity):
Light Red wall with tile pattern on right that travels towards the top - standard wall with multiple layers.
Green mullions are the extents of the curtain wall which is embedded into the standard wall
Cyan panels are glass.
Yellow panels are solid metal panels substituted for the glass
White frames are rollup doors embedded into curtain wall
Red patch in bottom left is a panel of standard wall substituted for a glass panel

It would seem that adding the rollup doors is what gives us the wonderful "mal-formed panels" warning due to some of the continuous mullions that run across the curtain wall. I've seen a couple ways to go about this but wondered what others would recommend.

2012-12-12, 02:34 PM
Something is wonky with that left side. Looks like a vertical sliver on the far left. Also seems to be a horizontal grid about as high as the top of the doors (see the little piece of mullion on the far left). Also odd conditions at the mullions at the top corners of the doors, except the far right. The grid line +/- 2' high appears to extend through - Add/Remove Segments? And are you sure the lower left panel is a replacement, and it's not that the profile of the curtain wall has been edited? I get those errors all the time when I edit the profile. Most of the time I just ignore it, as long as the geometry looks correct.

2012-12-12, 04:41 PM
The sliver on the left is a horizontal mullion placed at the wrong height on a curtain perpendicular to the one we are looking at. Its since been fixed...
I have been a little perplexed by the doors. It seems that when they are added to the wall, they auto-place mullions around the left/right sides and top. The trouble with that is I already have grid lines/mullions there. Even if I remove the grid lines/mullions before inserting the doors, it still adds mullions around the doors.

The thing is, it seems like it adds a grid line around the doors, but its not selectable. This also seems to interfere when placing new grid lines to connect additional mullions with the rest of the curtain wall with those around the doors. It's been like a dog chasing his tail... :banghead:

2012-12-12, 06:22 PM
I figured it out! Nothing like a fresh start in the morning to take a fresh look at a problem...
Turns out that the person who configured this storefront had set in the Type Properties for Mullions to auto-populate for both interior and border conditions. Turning off the border conditions allowed the doors to embed without adding mullions. I was then able to add curtain grids without getting that blasted mal-formed panel warning! :mrgreen: