View Full Version : Skirting Boards in Plan View

2005-02-09, 10:53 AM
Hi There

I have internal Block walls and I have attached a sweep to the bottom of the wall to show a skirting board in my 3D views. Aside from adjusting my cut plane level, is there any other way of hiding the skirting board in plan view I have searched through VG and cannot find anything.


The Welshman

2005-02-09, 12:51 PM
I believe that you need to use worksets to do this. Same thing works if you want to show only the core of the wall.

Otherwise, you can use linework to make it invisible.

2005-02-09, 01:17 PM
If it is a "wall sweep - cornice" (I know its a skirting really!) then you can switch off the category in the Visibility /Graphics overrides for the plan... look under the wall subcategories.

Otherwise I would use linework - ie use the button with the icon of a fountain pen, set the linetype to <invisible> and click on the various skirting lines you don't want to see... great fun too! :grin:


2005-02-09, 03:29 PM
Hey there,
Another great way to control visibility of certain objects is to create a design option for that particular item. Then, you can just create duplicate views to toggle between the options you want shown.
Hope this helps too.

2005-02-09, 04:33 PM
Another good example for the need for a visibility toggle group. See my wishlist post. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=945)