View Full Version : 2013 New subscription package

2012-12-20, 12:33 PM
Come January 2013 Autodesk implements their new package. I've been told that I am being upgraded from my Revit Architecture Suite (Autocad & Revit) to the super duper Building Design Suite Premium, and as a consequence instead of paying £780 I have to pay £1,080 (inc. vat and not vat registered). Problem is my workload present and near future does not justify me paying this, or in other words just can't afford it. Also I am using Revit exclusively now so don't need all the other programs.

I asked if I could have a subscription just for Revit, but two different resellers tell me Autodedsk does not allow this. This means I will not be renewing my subscription. I am sure thare are many throughout the world in a similar situation as myself. Now if what I have been told is true, does Autodesk realise they will lose many customers or do they not care? What do you think? Should Autodesk allow a downgrade from the Building Suite to just one program? I've tried to pass my complaint direct to Autodesk but can't find an option on their site for doing so.

2012-12-20, 06:33 PM
I think its safe to say that they just don't care - they have a take it or leave it attitude towards their customers. Autodesk relies on coercian to market Revit rather than enthusiasm from its users. When their marketing efforts to Architects failed they went after their clients who started demanding BIM, forcing Architects to adopt it. Personally, I think that Autodesk should simply focus on providing outstanding software that helps Architects run their practices efficiently and profitably. That way they wouldn't have to rely on the black arts to sell their products.

2012-12-20, 08:55 PM
This is a real concern. I am being upgraded too. On face value it looks great but the reality is we will pay more for stuff we simply will not use. Not only that, there will likely be a price increase in suite subscription once we are all on it.
When the time comes to renew my subscription , if a simple revit architecture only (or revit/acad) subscription is not offered, I will be looking at the option of cancellation of my subscription.
I have been an autodesk customer continuously since autocad release 10 and I am not impressed with the recent announcements. The information from autodesk so far, is completely lacking in what our options will REALLY be and the real costs. Autodesk I hope you are listening.

2012-12-21, 04:15 PM
umm I have not heard anything about this. We're upgrading our 1 AutoCAD Architecture seat to the Design Suite package that has both Revit and AutoCAD as well as 3DS Max and some other stuff. But our other 5 seats of Revit Architecture are staying as Revit Architecture as far as I know.

The email I saw gave us the option of opting-out of the automatic upgrade on the AutoCAD seat, but we decided to go ahead with it since we really need another Revit seat anyway.

2012-12-21, 05:41 PM
I've checked the emails from Autodesk and my reseller and it appears the upgrade is for those of us with the one of the three Revit suites, Architecture, MEP or Structure. They make no mention of an opt out option, so this could apply either to an individual program rather than a suite or it could be region specific. But it seems there is no chance to change from the suite package to a single program.

2012-12-21, 07:13 PM
oh okay, up to this point we've only had the individual Revit Architecture and AutoCAD Architecture programs - no suites.

2012-12-21, 07:14 PM
Another similar thread.


Mike L Sealander
2012-12-23, 12:45 PM
No defense of their policy here, but you might try Revit LT.

2012-12-27, 09:39 AM
No defense of their policy here, but you might try Revit LT.

Not really the point. What's the rationale for not allowing someone with a suite subscription to downgrade to an individual program subscription with access just that program? Now I see its a 3 tier Augi with 2 having to be paid for.

2012-12-27, 07:46 PM
Exactly. Revit LT is not available here in New Zealand, which further limits my choices, so I remain unimpressed with the latest forced "upgrade to stuff you wont use but at additional cost". Good way to alienate longterm customers autodesk!.