View Full Version : 2013 Coplanar Voids Break

2012-12-28, 02:18 PM
In the family editor lately, I am having issues cutting voids from solids when there exists a coplanar face between the two. When I try to cut I get a warning "Can't keep elements joined". Sometimes I can just choose the unjoin option and they remain as two separate elements, but sometimes the solid geometry just disappears and I have to undo to get it back. Is it normal to need some overlap? In my case, that resolved the problem. I tested it in a new family with simple boxes, and coplanar was fine there, however, the families I've had issues with aren't that terribly complex.

2012-12-28, 07:36 PM
It all depends on what shape your are cutting, and what shape the void is. Geometry isn't always possible or acceptable in REVIT with voids.