View Full Version : 2013 Dicipline Mechanical

2013-01-03, 09:54 PM
My mechanical equipment in the architectural discipline is displayed as followed:

When i change to mechanical is see it like followed:
It is less detailled, what can i do to see this the same as is the architectual dicipline???

2013-01-04, 09:42 AM
Is this the same view in the same RVT file? Or another view with VG overrides? Or is it the Arch RVT linked into the Mech RVT? If one of the 2 later, then you'd need to set your detail level the same, as well as check the same objects/annotations in Visibility Graphics.

If the first, then this seems weird.

2013-01-05, 10:23 PM
Yes, it is in the same rvt file. That's just the thing that i don't understand.

2013-01-07, 06:08 AM
Yes, it is in the same rvt file. That's just the thing that i don't understand.Is it the same view also?

2013-01-15, 01:06 PM
I don't know what you mean with the same view. I have a view in Arch dicipline and a view in Mech dicipline. Both are in the same rvt file. And there aren't VG overrides(at least that i can see).
I don't understand it.
When i change to mechanical the walls switch to halftone, where can you change that? It seems there is a configuration that i don't see.

2013-01-15, 01:28 PM
It might still be that it's set up differently through VG. Check under the Manage / View Templates / Manage View Templates. Under the templates you should have something like Architectural Plan, Structural Plan, perhaps also MEP Plan (or some such). Each of these define a saved set of VG overrides / View Range / Filters / etc etc etc.

They're usually the defaults used when a view is created, depending on the view's Discipline property, though a view might be set to use a different one as default. if all else fails make your own custom one using a current view as you wish it to appear, then select the view(s) you want similar in the Project Browser (Ctrl to select more than one at once), then right-click -> Apply View Template and pick your custom one, OK.

If that does not change then there's something else going on. Perhaps something to do with an underlay?

2013-01-15, 01:47 PM
I will try your advice.
I discovered when i change the scale from 1:50 to 1:5 that i see the 'knob' of the radiator. Then i see the same as in my arch view(there is scale 1:50)

2013-01-15, 01:57 PM
Check the detail level of the 2 views. You have 3 to choose from Course / Meduim / Fine. Usually Course is used for 1:100 ->, Meduim for 1:10 - 1:50, and Fine for 1:1 - 1:5. But that's customizable, and you can set each view individually through the template or the pop-up in the status bar.

2013-01-15, 02:10 PM
There aren't overrides that i see.
they have the same detail levels.

I keep searching. :-)

2013-01-15, 06:30 PM
Have you tried applying a View Template yet?

Open the architectural view
Then start: View / View Templates / Create Template from Current View
A dialog shoutld pop up, asking for a nae to give this template. I'll just call it MyArch1, but note you'd want to give a a descriptive name if you're going to use them often - otherwise you're going to not know what each is meant for.
Now a dialog pops up which shows what's going to be saved in the template. For this purpose we're just going with all options, so just click OK
Now swap to your MEP view
And fire up View / View Templates / Apply Template Properties to Current View
Again, we're just trying to see if any of these adjust it to look the same, so just click OK again

Check if the MEP view is now showing the walls non-faded and the detail elements non-hidden.

2013-01-15, 08:08 PM

I found that the 'dicipline views' are not editable. Look at following links


i gonna leave it like this for now. if you ever hear a solution let me know and thanks already.


2013-01-15, 08:14 PM
Well, there you go. The discipline affects the VG overrides. Thanks for finding those pages, explains it clearly. :beer:

You can either go change them manually after changing the discipline (note turn on the other categories in VG - that's why you didn't see any overrides, they were not shown), or set to Coordination and use your own view templates to adjust as you would want them in the first place.

2013-01-15, 08:52 PM
Yes, i learned a lot with finding a solution.
i have to update my templates with this knowledge. :-)