View Full Version : 2013 New View Reference issues

2013-01-05, 10:52 PM
Two things:
1. I was using the new view reference tool to callout a detail and noticed that if you click to select it and move it, the 4 arrow move icon is way below the view reference. Is there a way to change that?

2. Does anyone else wonder why Revit only directs this reference one way? Sometimes you can't use a callout rectangle and want to just point to something and callout what the detail number is and what sheet it's on. I thought view reference would do that, and it partly does but if you place the referenced detail on a sheet and assign a detail bubble callout, the reference sheet does not appear in the bubble.

Mike L Sealander
2013-01-06, 10:28 PM
Regarding your first question: Someone may have tried to edit the View Reference family, and put the label far from the origin point. My View Reference correctly.
Regarding 2: I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain again?

2013-01-07, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the reply Mike. There are only 2 of us in the office and the other guy is a rookie and had not opened a family to edit yet. I wonder if it is a scale issue because sometimes it's not as far away from the actual view reference text.

I'm sorry, I'm not the best at describing an issue but I'll see if I can make the issue more clear. Lets say you are on sheet A-3 and you want to call out a detail which is located on sheet A-8. If you use the callout command and click on the 'reference other view' you can scroll thru the list and choose the detail on sheet A-8 to reference. Then on the sheet where the detail is located you may, like me have a viewport title with a bubble that has the detail number at the top and at the bottom of the bubble it will reference the sheet where the detail was taken from (such as A-3). When you use the new 'view reference' tool it doesn't cross reference back to the sheet where you called out the view reference. There is nothing that gets placed in the bottom of the bubble at all. I hope this makes more since.

2013-01-07, 07:37 PM
It appears that the (4 arrows) move icon is changing location depending on the scale of the view you are placing it. Is there a way to change this so that the move icon is always in the middle of the view reference text?

2014-11-19, 03:49 PM
I am having the same issue with the apparent center point of the View Reference Tag. Since it is annotation the it is scaling with the view scale. In smaller scale views this is not much of a problem, but in larger scale views, the annotation crop is cutting in off based on this center point, which is quite distant from the actual text. I am tried rebuilding the family and artificially moving the label from the center, but it does not seem to correct the issue.

I am in Revit 2015.

Any update on this?

Duncan Lithgow
2015-09-28, 09:41 AM
Steve has also posted about this problem.


And there is a discussion on Autodesks Revit forum where there even suggestions of a solution:
