View Full Version : 2013 Making Departmental Area Plans

2013-01-07, 08:06 PM
I'm trying to make floor plans that show building departments by color. I've started by making an Area Plan with the correct area boundaries, names, and colors. The problem is that the legend for area plans only includes the color and name of each area. Is there a way to add the Area's area (square footage) to the legend also? I know it shows up when I tag the area, but I need it in the legend also. Should I just create a dummy legend with the correct RGB values, sq ft, and names for each area?

2013-01-08, 05:50 PM
Good question. I'm doing the exact same task myself, and the question occured to me too. Although I don't have an answer for you, I'll keep an eye on this post. It might benefit me also!