View Full Version : 2011 Site Topography

2013-01-08, 07:05 PM
So I'm trying to generate an overall site model for a project without the use of any actual civil drawings. What I've done is by using sketch-up and google earth I've imported a file and used it to generate my topography. I would like to be able to see the existing site so that I can extrude some of the existing buildings surrounding my site as well as show existing streets. Is there a way of having the import be the togography and site image together as one so that the scale is the same, or do i need to link a separate image and try scaling it as close to my topography as possible. The problem I'm having is that I now have a topography model which is great, but I'm not sure where my site would be when looking at it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

2013-01-10, 06:38 PM
You say that you, "imported a file and used it to generate my topography." What type of file did you import, and did you create a Revit topography from that in some way? If you have showing the site as existing is a simple matter. Set the phase to Existing in the Element Properties Box and by default it will show as gray. To see this existing site in a site plan view that is set to the New Construction phase set the Phase Filter in the View Properties box to Show Existing and New.

Are you having trouble locating the property line? If you have an image that matches the site and shows the property line then you can import it in and scale it as best you can on top of your topography. I've used this strategy for various things over the years with success. It will not be perfectly accurate, but should get you really close.