View Full Version : 2012 Lighting Data File Issues (IES)

Mr Spot
2013-01-14, 12:24 AM

I'm having to create some Light Fixtures in Revit 2012. I have the IES files supplied by the manufacturer. I have located the IES files in my IES library (default location). For some reason I cannot get the light source in the family to display the true light source shape. I need this to occur so I can verify its correct rotation/orientation.

These IES files work fine in 2013. Yes I can upgrade each family, verify its rotation in 2013, go back to 2012 and amend if necessary. But that is a complete PITA. Some of them display fine in 2012 but most don't.

Has anyone else experienced this? A reboot of Revit/PC does not resolve the issue. Is there a limitation to the length a file name can be with IES that people are aware of? I'm thinking not as even the shortest file name files have issues?

Does anyone have any ideas as this is driving me insane!

Mr Spot
2013-01-15, 01:46 AM
Okay think I've sorted it. Revit 2012 & 2013 work differently:

Revit 2012
Place IES file in IES folder.
Update Family to link to IES file. NOTE: Shape will not yet display.
Save Family.
Shutdown/restart Revit.
Open Family.
Nudge the light source using the arrow keys and it should update.

Revit 2013
I'm actually finding in 2013 Revit can find the IES file if it exists in the same location as the family. It shows the shape correctly even before I add the IES file to the IES library.
It also doesn't require a reboot of Revit

Hope someone else finds this information useful.