View Full Version : 2013 Can't delete rvt files, and Revit Crashes Sporadically

2013-01-15, 03:29 PM
In short, there is an issue with .rvt files on my computer and looks to be isolated to files only on my desktop.

I say the issue is the file and not the software because when selecting, or right-clicking the file from windows explorer, windows explorer will crash. I can work in a central, local, or family file one minute (save, sync, modify, whatever) and later in the day, Revit will crash. Very sporadic issue, but becoming a REAL pain for me.

Copying the file and trying to remake a central or local does not work all the time either. Sometimes I have to copy the file, then restart the computer altogether and then maybe I can work. I copied whole folders as well.

I've done some reading, and have found posts about people not being able to delete files, but no one mentions any issues while in the software.

Any help would be nice!

2013-01-15, 04:07 PM
You either have to login as an admin or use an unlocker program...

And I would recommend not saving any large files on your desktop...because it will happen again...Not only that Windows runs a lot slower when you have lots of files on your desktop...

2013-01-15, 04:21 PM
I keep reading that people are using the unlocker program. This was not an issue before a couple months ago. I've been saving and working localy for a while. I'm not worried about windows running slower either, working over the network to work on a Revit file that is not workshared or open to the team is silly and slow. Any ideas as to why the unlocker might be needed?

2013-01-15, 07:10 PM
Any ideas as to why the unlocker might be needed?Windows has a tendency to disallow access to some files. It's due mostly because they're trying to stop viruses and such from proliferating. You might have noticed that in order to install an addon in revit, it's not enough to simply unzip the files into the addons folder - you first have to unzip them to another user folder then copy them into the addons. You can also not unzip them direct to your desktop and then copy - the Desktop (and some other folders like %temp%) are "special" in that whatever's placed in them is not deemed "clean" by default.

This is the other reason for not saving data files on your desktop. It doesn't always happen, but nearly allways a downloaded file onto your desktop won't open without some form of Admin access. The unlockers remove this check from the file / folder / the entire system. Note that such could leave you open for virus attacks (more than windows is already).

The other reason (and IMO the major one) not to save data files onto your desktop, is that it eats up RAM and slows desktop display down - especially noticed after login when it sometimes displays one icon per second (or so it feels). I prefer saving to My Documents or any other folder I create for myself (something like a local project folder). Especially since I tend to work on more than 5 projects in any one day - my desktop would have been cluttered by RVT files and their backups in no time.