View Full Version : Mysterious Room Tags Showing in Schedule?

2005-02-10, 12:34 AM
In fact, almost two-thousand room tags that do not show up on any plans are showing on my room finish schedule. I cannot delete more than a screenful at a time from the table, which will take quite a while. Where did they come from? The project is a 4-level care building with offices and residences. We have done several area plans but there are only a handful of area tags for overall area calculations. If anyone knows where these mysterious room tags are coming from, I would appreciate the help.


2005-02-10, 01:03 AM
When you create a room tag and later delete them, Revit asks if you want to remove them from the schedule as well. Saying no, leaves the instance of the room(s) behind.

When you place rooms you can re-use these rooms instead of creating new ones.In fact you can establish your program room by room before you even draw a wall. Then choose the room from the pull down list as you place tags. When you run out of rooms you're hit your program.

Looks like you or your team have ignored the delete room option and haven't re-used the rooms you didn't delete, resulting in many rooms. If you didn't, did you start this project from another project that had these rooms lingering behind?

Rooms are also phase specific which can factor in as well.

Cathy Hadley
2005-02-10, 04:02 PM
I think you could use sorting and Grouping in such a way that all your Untagged rooms appear in one row and then delete from the schedule?


2005-02-10, 05:08 PM
Thanks for the replies. I sorted using 'filter' to show room names that were ambiguous, and deleted them in one sweep. Looks like the rooms were leftovers from much earlier stages of the project - we'll have to be careful with that next time.


2005-02-10, 05:36 PM
Of course one option early on in a project is to create a room schedule and fill out the programed rooms before you have placed any tags. Basically write the program in Revit.

Then when you start the design all the spaces are ready to be assigned. Just place the tag using the drop down to preselect the space from the already finished room schedule.

This gives you a great design tool and eliminates the issue of extra rooms all over the schedule while doing design.

2005-05-05, 06:07 PM
I have a similar problem, there are a bunch of extra rooms showing op on the schedule that have no relation to the floor plan, and I cannot delete them. I've deleted the room tags and in the schedules but when I create a new room/tag I can still choose mark it as the previously deleted rooms.
To make things wierder, there seems to be no relation with the room number from the schedule and the one in the tag at the floor plan. So in my floor plan I have 17 numbered room tags, but in the schedule the next row appears as No.40 -> . How can this be? How can I delete all those previous rooms that I am not using and not have revit remember their names, numbers, etc? or could this all be a Room Tag problem?
I would greatly apreciate help from anyone out there....

2005-05-05, 07:05 PM
Same thing as above, sort/filter your schedule by level, then delete the ones that say not tagged from the schedule.